Tencent AI Lab

  • Product

Our fundamental research areas include computer vision, speech, natural language processing(NLP) and machine learning. As regards the technological applications, the Lab combines Tencent's business scenarios and advantages to develop 4 major fields, namely game AI, digital human, content AI and social AI. Our AI technologies are widely applied in over 100 products, including WeChat, QQ, QQ Music and etc.. We are also exploring innovative combinations of AI with sectors such as life sciences, healthcare, agriculture, and industry.

Computer vision

Computer vision enables computers to understand the real visual world. Research directions:large-scale image classification, semantic segmentation, and captioning; analysis, detection, tracking, recognition, 3D modeling and generation of human faces and bodies; video content analysis, classification, summarization, captioning, search, and recommendation, etc.

Speech technology

Devoted to better (spatial) audio capture, processing, and reproduction , enables computers to communicate with humans in conversational speech. Research directions: audio codec, far field signal processing with microphone array, speech separation and enhancement, speaker recognition, speech recognition, speech/singing synthesis, voice conversion/clone, etc.

Natural language processing

Give computer systems the ability to interact with the outside world in a natural language text format, track and study the cutting-edge natural language text understanding and generation technology, incubate the next generation of natural language processing technology and business application scenarios. Research directions: text understanding, text generation, dialogue, and machine translation, etc.

Machine learning

Automatically analyze and learn rules from data, and use rules to make predictions on unknown data. Research directions: machine learning theory, meta-learning, federated learning, deep graph learning, generative learning, sequence learning, automated machine learning, reinforcement learning, etc.


Tencent AI Lab


This research lab is focused on developing new AI technologies. It has made significant contributions to the field of AI, including the development of the Tencent Transformer, an AI model that is used in a variety of applications, including machine translation and natural language understanding.


Application Domains
