Tencent Cloud TI Platform

  • Product

Tencent Cloud TI Platform is a one-stop machine learning service platform designed for AI engineers. It empowers AI development throughout the entire process from data preprocessing to model building, model training, model evaluation, and model service. Preconfigured with diverse algorithm components, it supports multiple algorithm frameworks to adapt to different AI use cases.


Closed-Loop Model Training

Tencent Cloud TI Platform delivers a one-stop machine learning experience that covers a complete and closed-loop workflow from data preprocessing to model building, model training, and model evaluation.


With Tencent Cloud TI Platform, even AI beginners can have their models constructed automatically, making it much easier to complete the entire training process. Tencent Cloud TI Platform's auto-tuning tool can also further enhance the efficiency of parameter tuning.

Flexible Resource Scheduling

Tencent Cloud TI Platform allows CPU/GPU resources to elastically respond to different computing power needs with flexible billing modes that reduce the costs and increase the efficiency.

Multiple Learning Frameworks

Tencent Cloud TI Platform incorporates a wide variety of learning frameworks, such as PySpark, Spark, PyTorch, and TensorFlow, to serve developers with different needs and preferences.

Diversified Algorithms

Tencent Cloud TI Platform houses both traditional machine learning algorithms and deep learning algorithms to fully satisfy requirements in different niche fields and applications like image classification, object detection, and NLP. In addition, it gives more freedom to professional users by allowing them to execute customized algorithms.

Multi-Instance Scheduling

On Tencent Cloud TI Platform, instances can be scheduled in manual, timed, batch parameter, or rerun mode. This brings greater flexibility in different scenarios so that the frequency and time required by manual scheduling are greatly reduced.

Interactive Modeling

Tencent Cloud TI Platform is an interactive coding environment integrated with a wealth of learning frameworks and compatible with Python and R. It is interconnected with TI-SDK for real-time resource monitoring and supports Git for code management.

Data Labeling and Management

Tencent Cloud TI Platform allows you to create and manage datasets of text, image, table and other data types. You can preview data details online. You can also import labeled image data in Pascal VOC and COCO formats, which are commonly used in the industry. Labeled data supports distribution statistics and visualization.

Convenient Effect Visualization

Tencent Cloud TI Platform actualizes powerful visualization and interactive parsing of source data, so that you can gain clearer insights into the whole picture at a glance. The model training effect is displayed in such an intuitive way that you can tell the quality of a model or judge an optimization scheme at first sight without having to click into the details.


Tencent Cloud TI Platform


This platform provides a suite of AI services, including image recognition, natural language processing, and machine learning.


Application Domains
