Workforce Development meeting 5/22/24

  • Event

North Star

  • We will likely employ a professional Career Coach for Tree Ring Village

  • We don’t want to mainly be a service provider, but more connect different organizations together

Specifically for Tree Ring Village

  • Possible partnership: Love Never Fails as they already have experience supporting women

  • We are hoping to bring in as many expert organizations in to partner in support

  • Hire a full time, experienced career coach

  • Career coach needs to be connected to the village, we don’t imagine us coaching outside of these villages

How can DAO members plug in?

  1. 1. Employer development

  2. 2. Content Developer Intern: Eric has started writing about this role


• Some colleagues at the House of Web3 have family coming home for the summer, but not sure how much they will be supporting Edge and Node vs the DAOs

• Will this be a paid position? Yes

• For an internship role, we will likely pay them, and have an 8 hour trial run before committing to a long-term/multiple month internship

• Can learn how to research, tag, learn Web3

• Job Listing: Add tasks- connect wallet


Need to write up a description for the career coach- Assigned to Eric


• Have the Career Coach training month be in December 2024

• Go to Create the Future and pinpoint people who have on-boards for people to tap into these tech jobs

Tree Ring Village

  • 1 week medical detox

  • Sober living home every 3 days testing is recommended

  • $1500 per month with the cost of tests for 20 women

  • Consider students as potential candidates for Tree Ring Village

  • If you are in the wrong job, does that exacerbate your cravings?

Career Coach Role

Put people in places where they thrive

Problem is that some current programs don’t think about mental health

Create the Future

  • June 7th, career development and networking event with 20 panels

  • Ai and tech focused

  • Location may change, they are looking at an art gallery in Berkeley, CA

  • Sarah could be willing to do a financial incentive task for the DAO by working this event

  • She would be open to joining and connecting to employers for our network

  • Job board will be built by then for us to share DAO and Tree Ring Village jobs

  • Currently Sarah is supporting people in their pathways towards careers

  • If this scope is going to widen, we can continue those lists for later

  • We want to build those relationships to them

  • Money or more employer relations is necessary for companies to want to build out their GEO pages


  • Career fair portion of the day is from 8am-5pm

  • Get there at 7:30

  • Sarah will aim for 9:30am

  • Emailing would be best for communicating and keeping Sarah updated


  • Good to have some of the Oakland relationships in place

  • We want to know these people, so we could potentially send people directly into

  • She works at a platform that supports folks with higher learning condensed into shorter periods. Shorter form learner- Trade

  • Ai node program that has an expedited course for people to learn Ai

  • Tech, and engineering are accessible and learnable still without a formal degree

  • We need to respect people’s intelligence vs deciding that "their circumstance means they aren’t smart"

  • A lot of Gen Z are going into the trades vs going to college

  • Fiona Ma treasurer for the State of CA

  • Chancellor of Business from UC Berkeley

Goals for this event

  • Encourage people to plug into the DAO and the House of Web3

  • Show them the GEO pages

  • We ❤️ SF would be good suggestion and we could draw more in if there was more of a balance for the tech audience

Career Coach

  • We want someone who is great at career coaching

  • When we are ready, could we have a fair for the providers?

  • Connect training providers and employers

  • Next meeting is June 5th

  • Eric is going to Consensus and will bring updates to this DAO


Workforce Development meeting 5/22/24


The WD team discusses the upcoming Create the Future event as well as an internship and Career coach positions that will be available soon.

















Edge and Node




Wednesday 5/22 at 11:00am