Workforce Development meeting 5/01/24

  • Event

Main Goal

Getting more people involved

Recruiters, staffing companies, HR

Sharing around the circle

Since we have some new faces, let's go around and briefly introduce ourselves and our work.

John Kim

  • Based in the South Bay and works in infrastructure ecosystems in the Web3 space

  • Has a start up called Catalysts

  • Catalysts is a conduit: 10 companies that are bringing hardware and software together

  • Community Treasury 50-400k per month

  • Farmers are in a DAO that vote on how the community treasury funds get spent

  • For example, they are building a church in Zimbabwe


  • Film teacher who connected the We <3 SF community to AJ

  • AJ earned his living doing corporate video, so is incredibly skilled

  • Love wins is his last name that he chose. He has a lot of love

  • With his head, he believes that love is the answer

  • Sandy is retired and has been doing activist work to support immigrants in Marin county

  • ICE out ofMarin is the name of their organization

  • They got the sherif to reduce the number from 168-12 people removed per year

  • Also did a project in San Quinton. “Till you know my story” is a play a man was writing, and Sandy helped bring in a professional screen writer in and a director to support him. This changed her life

  • San Quinton has a lot of volunteers to support them: meditation, Shakespeare, acting, and other workshops

Mackenzie Moran 

  • Volunteer Coordinator for The Pheonix, an app for people in recovery or seeking sobriety

  • They feel very isolated, so the app provides a way to connect people to fun athletic and creative event

  • This is a community, similar to in AA and in Christianity (and other religions), one of the main pillars is to be of service and give back.

  • Allies are encouraged, people just need to be sober for 48 hours prior to joining

  • We offer tock climbing, meditation, yoga, cross fit, hiking, jewelry making, sewing and more!

  • Artist who** v**olunteered as a social worker in encampments during covid

  • Entered the mental health and housing fields and was disappointed by the lack of services provided to people in emergency and transitional housing programs

  • Believes workforce development is essential is restoring people’s lives

  • Our goal should not be to end with someone on fixed income in subsidized housing

  • We want them to have purposeful and meaningful lives where they can hopefully pass down a home or savings to their loved ones

Eric Forst 

  • Coordinator of the WD DAO

  • Web3 Data analytics, customer engagement

  • Has liked being able to help this community and make an impact

Scott Morris

  • Coordinates the Mentorship DAO

  • Has a company that brings self-directed neuroplasticity to the market

Dan Cordie

  • Coordination for the interim housing DAO, and a tiny home community is in the works

  • We are considering a plot of land in Oakland

  • Our past work was burial style and 6 out of 15 tiny house recipients have made it into permanent affordable housing

House of Web3

What are we all doing, and how can we encourage more collaboration


1. DAO Playbook

2. GEO

3. Interim Housing Community next step


  • Currently we are asking the question: What does success look like, for each DAO?

  • Fresh, new ideas are in the works

  • Love your Neighbor Bakery, John Kim’s bakery that supports his community with workforce/lifeskill training within the bakery

  • They have a Partnership with City Teams

  • Food and Beverage Workforce live skills such as: show up on time, listen to instructions, etc.

  • Problem in food and beverage industries are moving more towards automation vs boosting up people’s skills

  • Our goal is to help build up people’s confidence

DAO Playbook

Vision: A world where everyone is employed in fulfilling work that helps them thrive

Mission: To empower individuals to rebuild their live

The Ellis App: An app is a user friendly app to connect service providers to services and resources for their clients.


  • Building bridges is the main thing that we do

  • Ai can potentially look at a profile and then connect them to the best training providers

  • Would love to host a job fair of some kind here at some point

  • Outcomes based job fair. Having a provable outcome would be great

  • We go through this when they are ready and have measurable outcomes

  • Metrics of lasting a long time in a job, sustaining rents and eventually mortgage payment

  • Consider the question, “Do I love my job?”

To do:

+ Talk with Ken Nim: Office of economic development for the City of SF

  • We are trying to do a private version of what they office already does

  • We want the providers to come join the DAO, edit their GEO pages and work with us

  • Can we get interns in here to maintain the GEO pages?

  • They could be getting work experience in at

  • Work with the providers and build relationships with them

  • GEO could hire interns in a job fair

  • “Nothing pays more than experience”

  • Roadblock, people need computers

  • College students could be a target demographic

What do they need? How can we help them?

  • Not enough employers, places to place people

  • Non Profits already struggle finding time to manage their own websites

  • Funding and resources are also requested

  • Hire someone through the DAO to look through and find more job and career opportunities for people

  • They place people who generally need help in their careers

  • Some needs: hygiene, wardrobe, interviewing, etc.

  • Two pronged approach: the organizational provider will need to have bandwidth to at least talk to the interns/volunteers


  • We need to communicate the value added to the orgss that we would like to fill out pages on GEO

  • GEO is how we take it from manual to actually scaling.

  • We need a case study of someone who walks through that journey

  • Funding and partnerships are the value added


  • Short intro: Maybe we have a table of contents as the first thing people see

  • Collapsible tables in the future, potentially

  • Dynamic content to the top

  • Tabs could be added: playbook

  • Make it more engaging and exciting

  • “About” area community, partnership, network, philanthropy

  • Goals and roles are the inter working of the DAO

  • Community goals and roles should be separate

  • On-boarder, researcher, relationship builder, financial analyst

  • Ken Nim shared that Employer Development is the main area where the city could use support.

  • Roles in the ecosystem vs the roles of the DAO itself

  • Interim Housing DAO is also separate from the Tree Ring Village Project from the DAO’s main landing page.

  • This is done by tagging all of the DAO specific or TRV specific pages with their own tags

Supporting Tree Ring Village

  • Oakland Workforce development Section

  • Potentially 1 full time person who is an expert on recruiting and workforce development

  • On-site support

  • 1 full time person who has meetings with them and office hours

  • Workforce development mentor

  • Track all of their metrics

  • Cypress Mandela, Mandela Partners

  • City Team could be a partner with WD collaboration

Is there a budget to hire people?

We are not sure

Operational costs for Tree Ring Village?

We need to ask. We will at least hire 1 clinician

**Action Item: **Eric will reach out to Bay Valley Tech


Workforce Development meeting 5/01/24


Notes from our in-person meeting in May.
















Wednesday 5/1 at 1:45pm