
  • Role

The employer in a workforce development DAO is pivotal in shaping the success of the efforts. Employers play a vital role in providing job opportunities, influencing skill development, and contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the workforce.

Description of the employer role:

  • Job Creation and Opportunities: Employers are the primary source of job opportunities within a workforce development DAO. They create employment positions, both through expansion and replacement of existing staff. They identify specific job roles and positions that need to be filled within their organizations.

  • Skills and Qualifications Requirements: Employers define the skill sets, qualifications, and competencies required for various job roles. They specify the knowledge, experience, and certifications that candidates need to possess.

  • Participation in Training and Development Programs: Employers can actively engage in the training and development of the local workforce by offering apprenticeships, internships, and on-the-job training programs. They may collaborate with educational institutions and workforce development agencies to design and deliver training that aligns with their industry's needs.

  • Feedback and Input: Employers provide valuable feedback and input to workforce development DAO coordinators regarding the effectiveness of training programs, curriculum relevance, and areas where job seekers can improve. They can help shape the training content and methods to better meet industry demands.

  • Recruitment and Hiring: Employers actively participate in recruitment processes, including job fairs, resume reviews, interviews, and hiring decisions. They may work with project organizers to identify potential candidates from the pool of job seekers.

  • Workplace Internships and Placements: Employers offer internships and work placements, allowing job seekers to gain practical experience and industry-specific skills. These opportunities often serve as a bridge to full-time employment.

  • Professional Development and Advancement: Employers support the professional growth of their employees by offering training, development programs, and opportunities for advancement. They may encourage employees to pursue additional education or certifications relevant to their roles.

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Employers promote diversity and inclusion within their organizations, fostering a welcoming and equitable workplace for individuals of all backgrounds. They may implement diversity recruitment strategies to attract a diverse workforce.

  • Retention and Employee Well-being: Employers focus on retaining valuable talent by addressing employee well-being, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. They provide competitive compensation, benefits, and growth opportunities to maintain a motivated workforce.

  • Collaboration with Workforce Development Partners: Employers collaborate with workforce development agencies, educational institutions, and community organizations to create a seamless pipeline from education and training to employment. They may serve on advisory boards or participate in industry councils related to workforce development.

  • Economic Development and Community Engagement: Employers recognize their role in contributing to the economic development of the community. They may engage in corporate social responsibility initiatives, volunteer programs, and community partnerships.

  • Data Sharing and Analysis: Employers may share labor market data and workforce trends with workforce development project organizers to help align training programs with industry demands.


Commitment to Workforce Development: A genuine commitment to investing in the development of the local workforce is essential. Employers should be motivated to support initiatives that help individuals gain the skills needed for employment.

Business Experience: Employers should have a track record of successful business operations and management. They should understand the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in their industry.

Leadership and Influence: Employers with leadership qualities can help inspire other businesses in the community to participate in workforce development projects. They can serve as role models and champions for the initiative.

Training and Development Programs: Employers should have the capacity to offer training and development programs, such as apprenticeships, internships, or on-the-job training, to help individuals gain practical skills.

Diversity and Inclusion: A commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including creating opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds, is highly valued.

Community Engagement: A strong connection to the local community and a desire to contribute to community development can enhance an employer's suitability for the role.

Collaboration Skills: The ability to collaborate with other employers, project organizers, and stakeholders is essential for achieving project goals through collective effort.

Time Commitment: Employers should be prepared to allocate time and resources to participate actively in the project, attend meetings, and engage with job seekers.




An employer is a primary stakeholder in the topic of workforce development. Employers hire individuals that are lookign to earn income.

