
  • Proposed type
  • Type

Why is a Debate type necessary?

A debate-focused type is necessary as it will stimulate conversations on Geo, encouraging users to express themselves and articulate their positions.

What are the differences between this type and the Root space Debate type?

The debate root space type appears to be tailored for political electoral debates. The proposed debate type centers on positions, enabling voting on these positions and promoting consensus.

Debate synonyms

Agora: Historically, a public gathering space in ancient Greece for citizens to discuss and deliberate on public matters, symbolizing a broader and more open forum for discussion than the structured formality of a debate.

Dialogue: A conversation between two or more people, implying a more cooperative and less adversarial interaction than a debate.

Discussion: A general exchange of ideas or opinions, typically less formal and confrontational than a debate.

Exchange: A general term for the act of giving and receiving, in the context of ideas, it implies a more reciprocal and less formal interaction than debate.

Debate attributes

  • Date: the date on which the debate is created

  • Participants: individuals who engage in the debate, presenting and defending positions on a specific topic.

  • Related entities: any entities that are interconnected with the primary subject of discussion.

  • Related topics: topics related to the debate.

  • Claims from: key insights derived from the debate, highlighting pivotal aspects or conclusions.

  • Claims about: to complete, comment, question the debate

  • Positions: participant's positions

  • Relevant questions: questions to gain a deeper understanding of the debate

  • Tags: help in filtering tables and sorting the entity.




A structured argument where participants discuss opposing viewpoints on a specific topic, often following formal rules. It aims to persuade through reasoned discourse, encouraging critical thinking and public speaking skills.