Ethics and boundaries

  • Skill

Ethics and boundaries are essential aspects of working in addiction recovery. Professionals must adhere to a strict code of ethics and establish appropriate boundaries with clients, families, and colleagues to ensure that they maintain professional relationships and provide effective care.

Ethics in addiction recovery involves a set of moral principles and standards that guide behavior and decision-making. Professionals working in addiction recovery must maintain confidentiality, respect the autonomy of their clients, and prioritize their safety and well-being. They must also avoid conflicts of interest and be transparent about their qualifications, experience, and limitations.

Establishing appropriate boundaries is also essential in addiction recovery. This involves creating a clear separation between the professional and personal aspects of the relationship with clients, as well as maintaining appropriate relationships with colleagues and other professionals. Boundaries help to ensure that professionals maintain a professional relationship with their clients, avoid over-involvement, and maintain their own emotional and mental well-being.

Boundaries may include limitations on personal relationships with clients, limitations on physical contact, and avoiding dual relationships, such as treating family members or friends. Professionals should also be aware of power dynamics in the client-professional relationship and avoid exploiting their position of authority or influence.


Ethics and boundaries


Professionals working in addiction recovery must have a strong sense of ethics and be able to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries with clients, families, and colleagues


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