DrAid™ User Guide

  • User guide


The user guide provides details on the usage of a hospital system, with an emphasis on doctors as primary users. This system offers functionalities such as user management, securities, and payment. When a hospital is integrated into the system, an admin account is also established, allowing streamlined management.

Doctors play a pivotal role by using the core AI feature to submit X-ray images and promptly receive results processed by the AI. The guide offers step-by-step instructions, starting from registration to result retrieval. Doctors are instructed to follow links sent via email, set up their passwords, and then navigate the system's main features, which include submitting X-ray images, viewing AI-generated results, and interpreting findings.

The main functions of DrAid™ are highlighted, with specific instructions on how to register, log in, and use various features. The guide details how to enter patient information, specifying which fields are compulsory and which are optional. The AI's results include disease names displayed on the screen's right side, along with visuals like borders and heat maps on the X-ray images. The guide emphasizes the importance of accurate data entry to ensure the AI's efficacy.