Clinic price check

  • Resource Tool

The US has over $140 billion in medical debt, much of which could be written off by hospitals through their hospital financial assistance programs. While having a hospital financial assistance program is a requirement for non-profit hospitals to get tax-preferred status, hospitals actively try to prevent patients from applying by burying links to applications, dissuading insured applicants from applying, and forcing patients to mail in applications or send onerous documentation.

Sliding Scale Health, a women-owned, Berkeley SkyDeck social venture, working on streamlining the process of applying for financial assistance by providing an easy-to-use online calculator checking qualification requirements. We provide a simple web framework to file applications with hospitals. We use advanced document encryption technology to keep all information secure. We also offer live-streaming support sessions, in-person consultations and a full-service option to help patients write applications and follow-up with providers.


Clinic price check


Paying too much for health care? Use Clinic Price Check to save hundreds to thousands by comparing prices of medical services at local health providers.