by medical chain

  • Technology tool

We are dedicated to providing choice, accessibility and ease for remotely delivered health services. MyClinic is the first in an iteration of products which focus on improved patient choice, removing healthcare barriers and empowering patients to be in control of their health, to work side by side with clinicians to live healthy lives. Established originally in 2017, MyClinic has gone on to serve thousands of consultations and support users from over 72 countries worldwide.

Our aim is to put the patient in control of their medical data, giving them the power to share the single, most comprehensive version of their record, with every organisation in their medical network.

Fragmented, siloed patient records create inefficiencies and inaccuracies across the breadth of the healthcare system.

Medicalchain uses blockchain technology to securely manage health records for a collaborative, smart approach to healthcare.

Name by medical chain


Medicalchain uses blockchain technology to securely manage health records for a collaborative, smart approach to healthcare.


Technology type

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