Malaria Vaccines: Recent Advances and New Horizons

  • Study

Modern malaria vaccine development began with seminal studies in mice using irradiated sporozoites (Nussenzweig et al., 1967). Although there is still no licensed product over 50 years later, it is important to remember the scale of the scientific and technical challenges facing those who develop vaccines against such a complex eukaryotic parasite. Moreover, steady progress is being made, especially with regard to breakthroughs in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating protection in animal models and humans. The revised Malaria Vaccine Technology Roadmap to 2030 (Moorthy et al., 2013) now calls for a next-generation vaccine to achieve 75% efficacy over 2 years against P. falciparum and/or P. vivax (in an era of renewed global interest toward malaria elimination and eradication), while also retaining its original 2015 “landmark” goal of a first-generation vaccine with protective efficacy of >50% lasting more than 1 year. Achieving this next-generation vaccine goal will necessitate building on the success of current pre-erythrocytic subunit and whole sporozoite-based vaccines, as well as new strategies to add blood-stage or transmission-blocking immunity. Here we review the progress and prospects for a diverse range of approaches targeting different stages of the P. falciparum parasite’s complex life cycle (Figure 1), before discussing those in development for P. vivax.


Malaria Vaccines: Recent Advances and New Horizons


Development of highly effective vaccines against human malaria remains a public health priority. In this Review, Draper et al. describe the latest vaccine approaches to prevent malaria alongside immunological and molecular mechanisms of protection. Rational antigen selection, immunogen design, and novel immunization strategies offer promise for achieving high-level protection.



The development of highly effective and durable vaccines against the human malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax remains a key priority. Decades of endeavor have taught that achieving this goal will be challenging; however, recent innovation in malaria vaccine research and a diverse pipeline of novel vaccine candidates for clinical assessment provides optimism. With first-generation pre-erythrocytic vaccines aiming for licensure in the coming years, it is important to reflect on how next-generation approaches can improve on their success. Here we review the latest vaccine approaches that seek to prevent malaria infection, disease, and transmission and highlight some of the major underlying immunological and molecular mechanisms of protection. The synthesis of rational antigen selection, immunogen design, and immunization strategies to induce quantitatively and qualitatively improved immune effector mechanisms offers promise for achieving sustained high-level protection.