Governance Systems for Communities in Web3

  • Event

Web3 offers a diverse array of ways for communities to form and collaborate. Within the context of the Geo browser, communities form around spaces, which serve as dedicated platforms for them to engage and coordinate on specific topics. At the broadest level, we find general spaces encompassing areas like politics, science, and culture. These spaces function as societal institutions and can be further divided into smaller, more focused spaces to facilitate the formation of smaller communities centered around more specialized subjects. For instance, the Science space can be subdivided into Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and other related subspaces, while Physics can be further broken down into even more specific areas like Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, and so on.

In Geo browser, each space is afforded the ability to establish its own reputation systems and governance rules, tailored to suit the subject matter that would make it easier to reach consensus. During this meetup, we'll delve into the challenges and nuances associated with governing these subspaces.


How should spaces interact with each other?

Can we have a root space that is the default starting point for a unified system?

What should the process be for adding a subspace?

How might valuable but unpopular spaces find their place in the graph?

How do we prevent entrenched spaces from crowding out competition from other spaces?


Governance Systems for Communities in Web3






May 4th, 11AM-12PM PST

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