Pluralism in Web3: Deciding What's True in a World of Diverse Opinions

  • Event

As we move into the web3 era, we are tasked to ensure the proper balancing of diverse perspectives and opinions, while ensuring that the truth and accurate information are promoted based on merits in this emerging decentralized world.

In the web2 era, centralized tech companies held the power to shape narratives and decide which voices were allowed to argue their position. However, web3 has the potential to provide a more fair and transparent environment for such decisions.

Pluralism is the concept of allowing multiple divergent points of view to coexist at the same time. Together, we will explore the design space for using pluralism to find better ways to decide what is true or create entirely alternative systems to approach differences of opinions on pressing societal issues.


What are the ways that too much pluralism can cause fragmentation?

What are the ways that not enough pluralism causes too much authoritarian control / diminishing the rights of the minority?

What are the ways that not enough pluralism causes too much authoritarian control / diminishing the rights of the minority?


Pluralism in Web3: Deciding What's True in a World of Diverse Opinions






April 27, 11AM-12PM PST