President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric Font: “We are deploying all human, technical and budgetary resources to face this emergency”

  • Press release
  • Statement

Good afternoon.

To begin, I would like to deeply lament the deaths that have occurred in the context of the forest fires in the Valparaíso Region.

I have confirmation that, so far, confirmed by the Legal Medical Service, there are 40 people dead during the fires and an additional 6 in hospital facilities due to burns.

I want to be very careful with these figures because, given the conditions of the tragedy, the number of victims will surely increase over the next few hours, but the figures that we, as authorities of the republic, will provide are those that are confirmed by the corresponding authorities. In this, I am clear, we know they are going to increase.

We accompany the family members, friends, and loved ones in this extremely painful moment. I also send a strong hug to those who, between yesterday and today, lost their home and deeply thank those who are giving their best to combat this tragedy, especially the Firefighters, the Conaf Brigade members, the Carabineros, the Armed Forces personnel, health workers, municipal workers, and public servants. Also, of course, to civil society that always stands up in the face of tragedies like this.

From the first moment, yesterday, I instructed to decree a State of Catastrophe Exception to be able to dispose of all the necessary resources that allow us to combat this emergency and help the families. Under this decision, I have also instructed the Ministry of Defense to deploy more military units in the affected areas that have to deploy now, they are deploying now.

I know that in these critical moments there is a lot of pain, anguish, and anxiety to help, but it is necessary, compatriots, to be able to face this catastrophe in an orderly and coordinated manner, and that everyone, without exception, follow the instructions of the corresponding authorities. Often, out of goodwill, people seek to help, perhaps, in a desperate way, but if that help is not orderly and coordinated with the corresponding authorities, it can become an obstacle that hinders what needs to be done at this moment, which is, mainly, to save lives and extinguish the fires.

As stated by the Undersecretary of the Interior, Manuel Monsalve, I have arranged for the curfew to be re-implemented in 4 communes of the Valparaíso Region, Quilpué, Villa Alemana, Limache, and Viña del Mar, from 9 PM today until 10 AM this Sunday. It is essential to guarantee public order and the safety of our compatriots. And in this, have no doubt that we will use all the constitutional tools available to guarantee safety and tranquility at this very difficult moment that the inhabitants of the region are facing.

The curfew will help to free the routes for emergency vehicles to arrive, but also so that people who have to evacuate can do so as soon as possible and so that there is no one wandering in the places where the decision to evacuate is made.

In this, Chileans, I want to be very emphatic, our priority today is to save lives. For this, we need to have the entire public and private health network available, and in this, Minister of Health, Ximena Aguilera, is working with the goal of attending to all those who have been injured or burned.

Moreover, among the priorities of saving lives, is to extinguish the fires that are active at this moment. In the Valparaíso Region, we have 4 large active fires, in Viña del Mar in the Las Tablas sector, the one that started in Peñuelas, in Quilpué-Villa Alemana, in Quillota, and in the Curauma sector. And, of course, to safeguard homes, so that this does not continue to grow.

For this, we need everyone. Therefore, I want to reiterate very firmly the call that, upon the indication to evacuate areas, due to forest fires, do not hesitate. The fire advances very quickly and the climatic conditions that we have had, both yesterday and today, have made the fight against the fires much more complicated, high temperatures, strong winds, with an average of 30 km and gusts of up to 60 km, and also, low humidity. Therefore, if you receive the message to evacuate and see or believe that the fire is very far away do not hesitate, if you received the message it is because you have to do it.

We want to save lives and protect you. All decisions are being taken informed by experts and professionals in the field, with the deployment of all the forces of the State.

I ask all citizens to follow the instructions of the authorities. We need to clear the streets so that Conaf brigadistas, firefighters, police, and all those necessary to fight these fires can enter. Also, so that families can evacuate, the streets need to be clear.

Today we are in the stage of controlling the different foci of forest fires, saving lives, and quickly supporting those affected. We were doing an aerial survey in the region and the situation is really very difficult. Therefore, I ask you to think about those who are fighting the fires.

As a Government, I want you to know that we are coordinated through the different Ministries and that first necessity aids are being delivered to those who are in the shelters in the Valparaíso Region. And there I want to highlight the tremendous work that the municipalities are doing that, many, with scarce resources, with coordination with the private sector, are reaching where it hurts the most today.

I have instructed that the State, through JUNAEB, the General Directorate of Waters, the Ministry of Education, be on the ground helping. Minister Cataldo will deploy in the area tomorrow to review the situation of all the shelters. I have also instructed Minister Fernandez, the Minister of National Defense, to constitute as soon as possible, from tomorrow, as the government liaison minister in the area. In addition, there are, as you know, Undersecretary Monsalve and Undersecretary Montero. And all the coordination at the regional Cogrid level is being carried out, where the delegate is playing a very important role and Cogrid at the national level that will be led at this moment by Minister Carolina Tohá.

From now on, I have also mandated the ministries to advance in the work that allows for early aids to arrive in the shortest possible time, but for this, I reiterate, it is necessary first to be able to control the active foci.

Moreover, from now on, the potential intentionality of these fires is being investigated. And although it is hard to imagine who could be willing to cause so much tragedy and so much pain, know that it will be investigated to the last consequences and with all the necessary resources. Given these suspicions, I have asked the Armed Forces and Carabineros to intensify and increase surveillance, particularly in the surrounding areas.

I know these are very difficult and hard times, losing the house that took so many years of effort to build is devastating, losing a family member or a loved one is a tear that is impossible to measure, but be assured that our Government is deployed with all human, technical, and budgetary resources. Minister Marcel will give a press conference tomorrow explaining the detail of all the resources that are available and have no doubt that in this there will be no shortage to face this emergency.

Chileans, we will move forward, as we always have in these difficult situations. The State, as a whole, with all its forces, is at your service.

Tomorrow we will be on the ground with the victims and with the authorities to continue making decisions quickly, facing this emergency, again, moving forward as we know how to do.

Thank you very much.


President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric Font: “We are deploying all human, technical and budgetary resources to face this emergency”


The President of the Republic of Chile, Gabriel Boric Font, delivered a statement from the La Moneda Palace to reiterate the actions the Government is executing to coordinately face the emergency affecting the central zone of the country. In his statement, the Head of State detailed that he instructed the deployment of more military units in the affected areas to guarantee public order and the safety of the people, among other measures.













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