Wagner chief Prigozhin confirmed dead by Russian authorities after genetic tests

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Russian authorities have officially confirmed the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the chief of the Wagner Group, through genetic testing after a plane crash that claimed his life and those of nine others. The plane crashed while en route from Moscow to St. Petersburg, sparking speculation about Prigozhin's fate due to his secretive lifestyle and security measures.

The confirmation comes two months after Prigozhin's failed attempt to lead an uprising against Russia's military leadership. His Wagner Group, known for its involvement in various conflicts, including Ukraine, played a pivotal role in Russia's military campaigns. However, Prigozhin had increasingly become a vocal critic of the Russian campaign and its leadership.

In June, Prigozhin and his Wagner forces took control of key military sites and advanced towards Moscow. A resolution was reached before any direct confrontation occurred, leading to the rebels' retreat to Belarus. This uprising marked a significant challenge to President Vladimir Putin's rule and further elevated tensions surrounding Prigozhin.

The cause of the plane crash that claimed Prigozhin's life remains unknown. While US President Joe Biden suggested potential involvement by Putin, no concrete evidence has been presented to connect the Kremlin or Russian security services to the incident. Russian authorities have initiated a criminal investigation to determine the crash's cause.

Putin's initial response to the crash was characterized by a recognition of Prigozhin's talent coupled with a acknowledgment of his "serious mistakes in life." The relationship between Putin and Prigozhin dates back to the early 1990s, when both figures rose to prominence after the Soviet Union's collapse.

In the wake of the crash and Prigozhin's death, Russia seems to be taking steps to exert greater control over paramilitary groups like the Wagner Group. Putin's recent decree mandates that paramilitary fighters pledge allegiance to the state, signaling a potential shift in the Kremlin's approach to such groups.

While Prigozhin's passing may signal the end of an era, the mysteries surrounding his life, his Wagner Group, and the circumstances of the crash continue to intrigue and captivate both Russian and international audiences.


Wagner chief Prigozhin confirmed dead by Russian authorities after genetic tests


Russian authorities have officially confirmed the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the chief of the Wagner Group, through genetic testing after a plane crash that claimed his life and those of nine others. The plane crashed while en route from Moscow to St. Petersburg, sparking speculation about Prigozhin's fate due to his secretive lifestyle and security measures.



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