Logic programming

  • Programming paradigm

Logic programming is a powerful paradigm in computer science that revolves around formal logic and offers a unique and declarative way of solving complex problems. Unlike traditional imperative programming, where you specify how to achieve a task step by step, logic programming allows you to express what you want to achieve without specifying the exact procedure to get there. Instead, the program's logic engine figures out the "how" based on the rules and facts provided.

At the core of logic programming are two fundamental elements: rules and facts.

Rules: These are logical statements that define relationships and dependencies among various entities in the problem domain. Rules consist of a head and a body. The head represents the desired outcome or goal, while the body contains conditions or subgoals that must be met for the rule to apply. For example, a rule might state that "if X is a parent of Y and Y is a student, then X is a proud parent."

Facts: Facts are simple pieces of information or assertions about the problem domain. They are statements that are considered true within the context of the program. For instance, you can have facts like "John is a parent of Mary" and "Mary is a student."

One of the most well-known logic programming languages is Prolog. In Prolog, you define rules and facts, and the Prolog engine uses a process called "backtracking" to search for solutions that satisfy the given rules and facts. Prolog programs are written in the form of clauses, where each clause can be declaratively read as a logical implication. This declarative nature of logic programming is one of its distinguishing features.

For example, consider a simple Prolog program:

parent(john, mary).


proud_parent(X) :- parent(X, Y), student(Y).

In this program, we have facts stating that John is a parent of Mary and that Mary is a student. The rule "proud_parent(X) :- parent(X, Y), student(Y)." defines what it means to be a proud parent: if someone is a parent of a student, they are a proud parent.

When we query the program with a question like "Who are the proud parents?" Prolog's logic engine will search for solutions based on the defined rules and facts and return the answer, which in this case is "john."

Logic programming is not limited to simple family tree scenarios but has extensive applications in areas like artificial intelligence, natural language processing, knowledge representation, and even constraint solving. Its declarative nature makes it an excellent choice for expressing and solving problems where the emphasis is on "what" needs to be achieved rather than "how" to achieve it.

1. Rules and Facts:

At the core of logic programming are rules and facts. These elements work in tandem to represent knowledge and relationships within a given problem domain.

  • Rules: Logic programming rules take the form of logical implications. They comprise a head and a body. The head specifies the desired outcome or goal, while the body contains conditions or subgoals that must be fulfilled for the rule to apply. For example, consider the rule: "If X is a parent of Y and Y is a student, then X is a proud parent." Here, the head is "X is a proud parent," and the body has two conditions.

  • Facts: Facts are straightforward statements about the problem domain that are considered true within the context of the program. They provide the foundational knowledge upon which rules are built. Facts are simple assertions like "John is a parent of Mary" or "Mary is a student."

2. Declarative Nature:

Logic programming is often described as a declarative programming paradigm. This means that programmers primarily focus on specifying "what" needs to be achieved rather than "how" to achieve it. Logic programming languages aim to abstract away the control flow and emphasize the desired outcomes.

3. Semantics:

Logic programming operates based on various semantics. Maarten van Emden and Robert Kowalski established three key semantics for Horn clause logic programs: model-theoretic, fixed-point, and proof-theoretic. Importantly, these semantics are shown to be equivalent, underlining the versatility of logic programming.

4. Logic and Control:

Logic programming introduces a separation of programs into their logic and control components. The logic component defines the solutions, while the control component dictates how the logic is executed. This separation allows for flexibility, as different control strategies can be applied to the same logic program, enabling alternative methods of execution.

This concept is encapsulated in the formula: "Algorithm = Logic + Control," where "Logic" represents the logic program and "Control" signifies different theorem-proving strategies.

5. Problem Solving:

In logic programming, solving problems often involves backward reasoning, particularly in cases where logic programs and top-level goals contain no variables. Backward reasoning leads to the creation of an and-or tree, which forms the search space for resolving the goal. Nodes in this tree represent subgoals, grouped together by "and," and alternative ways of solving them are represented by "or."

Various search strategies can be employed in this search space, with Prolog famously utilizing a last-in-first-out, backtracking strategy. This means that only one alternative and one sub-goal are considered at a time. However, other strategies like parallel search or best-first search can also be applied to find optimal solutions.

6. Negation as Failure:

To handle practical applications and non-monotonic reasoning in artificial intelligence, logic programs often extend to include negative conditions. A clause in a normal logic program incorporates negative literals, commonly referred to as "negation as failure." It operates by showing that a positive condition fails to hold, effectively assuming negation.

For example, if we want to find something that can fly, the logic program may include the condition "not abnormal(X)," which effectively means "X is not abnormal if the condition 'abnormal(X)' fails to hold."

7. Knowledge Representation:

Logic programming combines declarative and procedural representations of knowledge. Horn clauses and negation as failure provide a means to express complex relationships, such as cause and effect, legislation, and common-sense reasoning. This expressive power has made logic programming influential in fields requiring intuitive and automated reasoning, such as computational representations of legislation.

In conclusion, logic programming offers a unique approach to problem-solving by combining the clarity of formal logic with the flexibility of different control strategies. Its declarative nature and rich semantics make it a valuable tool for tackling complex problems across various domains.

Logic programming, with its foundation in formal logic and declarative problem-solving, has evolved over the years, giving rise to various extensions and variants tailored to specific needs and challenges. Let's explore some of the key variants and extensions:

1. Prolog:

Prolog, developed in 1972 by Alain Colmerauer, marked a significant milestone in the evolution of logic programming. It emerged from collaborative efforts between Colmerauer and Robert Kowalski and was initially employed for natural language understanding and question-answering. Prolog introduced the concept of declarative and procedural interpretation of implications, formalized in the Prolog notation.

Prolog's dual interpretation allowed it to serve both declarative and procedural purposes, making it highly versatile for a wide range of applications. It eventually became a practical programming language and gained significant speed improvements with the development of a compiler by David Warren in 1977, solidifying its status as a standard in the field.

2. Abductive Logic Programming:

Abductive Logic Programming extends traditional logic programming by introducing abducible predicates, which are predicates that can remain undefined or "open." Clauses in abductive logic programs include both non-abducible and abducible components. These abducible predicates can be constrained by integrity constraints, allowing for flexible problem-solving.

Abductive logic programming is used to derive hypotheses that explain observations or achieve specific goals. It finds applications in fault diagnosis, planning, natural language processing, and machine learning. It also offers a perspective on interpreting "Negation as Failure" as a form of abductive reasoning.

3. Metalogic Programming:

Metalogic programming bridges the gap between object language and metalanguage. It allows for the combination of object-level and metalevel representations, reminiscent of natural language structures. Metalogic can be employed to implement various logics specified as inference rules and is particularly useful for metaprogramming tasks, where programs manipulate other programs, databases, knowledge bases, or axiomatic theories as data.

4. Constraint Logic Programming:

Constraint Logic Programming marries Horn clause logic programming with constraint solving. It extends Horn clauses by incorporating constraint predicates into the body of clauses. These constraint predicates are predefined by domain-specific model-theoretic structures or theories. While subgoals with program-defined predicates are solved through goal reduction, constraints are checked for satisfiability by specialized constraint solvers.

Constraint logic programming finds applications in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, digital circuit verification, timetabling, air traffic control, finance, and more.

5. Concurrent Logic Programming:

Concurrent logic programming blends logic programming concepts with concurrent programming paradigms. It facilitates parallel execution of clauses, and its guarded Horn clauses contain guards that determine clause applicability. When multiple clauses' guards are satisfied, a committed choice is made to execute one of them. This approach allows for efficient parallel processing and non-deterministic choice.

6. Concurrent Constraint Logic Programming:

Concurrent Constraint Logic Programming combines concurrent logic programming with constraint logic programming, using constraints to control concurrency. It features guards that can block clause applicability based on constraints, and when multiple clauses' guards are satisfied, it makes committed choices for execution.

7. Inductive Logic Programming:

Inductive Logic Programming focuses on generalizing positive and negative examples within a background knowledge context. It encompasses machine learning of logic programs and has led to the emergence of statistical relational learning and probabilistic inductive logic programming.

8. Higher-Order Logic Programming:

Some logic programming languages incorporate higher-order programming features derived from higher-order logic, including predicate variables. Examples include HiLog and λProlog.

9. Linear Logic Programming:

Linear logic programming goes beyond classical logic and provides languages that are more expressive. It allows for state change through the ambient linear logic. Early designs include LO, Lolli, ACL, and Forum.

10. Object-Oriented Logic Programming:

F-logic and Logtalk extend logic programming with object-oriented concepts, including objects and frames, facilitating the integration of logic and object-oriented paradigms.

11. Transaction Logic Programming:

Transaction logic programming extends logic programming by introducing a logical theory of state-modifying updates. It offers both model-theoretic and procedural semantics, enabling state manipulation within the logic programming framework. Flora-2 is an example of a system that implements a subset of Transaction logic.


Logic programming


Logic programming is a powerful paradigm in computer science that revolves around formal logic and offers a unique and declarative way of solving complex problems. Unlike traditional imperative programming, where you specify how to achieve a task step by step, logic programming allows you to express what you want to achieve without specifying the exact procedure to get there. Instead, the program's logic engine figures out the "how" based on the rules and facts provided.