Repository Pattern

  • Software Design Pattern

The Repository pattern is a design pattern that separates the data access logic from the business logic in an application. It provides a layer of abstraction between the application and the data persistence layer, allowing the application to interact with data objects without directly accessing the underlying data source. The Repository pattern promotes a more modular and maintainable codebase by encapsulating data access operations within a repository object.


• Name: Repository

• Type: Architectural pattern

• Purpose: Separate data access logic from business logic and provide a consistent interface for accessing and manipulating data.

Key Participants:

• Repository: Acts as an interface between the application and the data persistence layer. It provides methods for querying, adding, updating, and deleting data.

• Data Source: Represents the underlying data storage, such as a database or web service.

• Business Logic: The application's core logic that operates on the data retrieved from the repository.



In the above example, the UserRepository class acts as a repository that provides methods for retrieving, saving, and deleting user data. The actual implementation of these methods would interact with the data source, such as a database, to perform the corresponding operations. The business logic of the application can use the repository to interact with the user data without needing to know the specific details of data persistence.


• Separates data access logic from business logic, promoting a clean and modular architecture.

• Provides a consistent and standardized interface for accessing data.

• Allows for easier testing by providing the ability to mock or stub the repository.


• Can introduce additional complexity, especially in simpler applications where direct data access may suffice.

• May require more initial setup and configuration compared to direct data access.

Note: The Repository pattern can be applied to various data sources, such as databases, file systems, or web services. The example above demonstrates the pattern using a simple UserRepository, but the actual implementation can vary depending on the specific requirements and technologies used in the application.


Repository Pattern


The Repository pattern is a design pattern that separates the data access logic from the business logic in an application.