Observer Pattern

  • Software Design Pattern

The Observer design pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, where multiple observers (subscribers) are notified and updated automatically when the state of a subject (publisher) changes. It enables loose coupling between objects, allowing them to communicate without having direct knowledge of each other. The Observer pattern is commonly used to implement event handling systems, publish-subscribe architectures, and reactive programming.


• Name: Observer

• Type: Behavioral pattern

• Purpose: Establish a dependency between objects, so that changes in one object can be communicated to multiple observers.

Key Participants:

• Subject (Publisher): Maintains a list of observers and provides methods to attach, detach, and notify observers of any state changes.

• Observer (Subscriber): Defines an interface or abstract class for objects that will be notified of changes in the subject.

• ConcreteSubject: Implements the subject interface and tracks the state changes that observers are interested in.

• ConcreteObserver: Implements the observer interface and receives notifications from the subject.



In the above example, the Subject class represents the subject/publisher and maintains a list of observers. The attach() and detach() methods are used to add or remove observers from the list. The notify() method is responsible for iterating through the observers and calling their update() method when a state change occurs. The ConcreteSubject class extends the Subject and implements the update_state() method to trigger the state change and notify the observers. The ConcreteObserver class extends the Observer and defines the update() method to handle the received data.


• Allows loose coupling between objects, promoting modularity and reusability.

• Supports the principle of separation of concerns by separating the subject and observer responsibilities.

• Enables event-driven and reactive programming paradigms.

• Supports dynamic registration and removal of observers at runtime.


• Observers may be unaware of each other, which can lead to potential conflicts or unintended dependencies.

• Care must be taken to avoid excessive notifications or performance issues when dealing with a large number of observers.

Note: The Observer pattern can be implemented in various ways, such as using interfaces, abstract classes, or event systems. The example provided demonstrates a basic implementation, but there are more advanced variations and frameworks available.


Observer Pattern


The Observer design pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, where multiple observers (subscribers) are notified and updated automatically when the state of a subject (publisher) changes