
  • Track




Dynamic and expansive jazz composition which showcases Washington's signature blend of traditional jazz elements with modern influences. Over its 13-minute duration, "Truth" takes listeners on a journey through varying tempos and moods, reflecting themes of unity and diversity. The piece is celebrated for its emotional depth and complexity, solidifying Washington's status as a key figure in contemporary jazz.







At its core, "Truth" is a celebration of diversity and unity. This theme is reflected not only in the composition's structure, which brings together various musical ideas in harmony, but also in its underlying message. The EP "Harmony of Difference" was initially conceptualized as a musical exploration of the idea that difference does not stand in opposition to harmony, and "Truth" serves as the culmination of this exploration. The track begins with a gentle, meditative melody that gradually builds in intensity and complexity. As it progresses, various instruments and motifs are introduced, each adding a new layer to the sonic landscape. Washington's tenor saxophone plays a central role, delivering powerful, emotive solos that soar over the arrangement. The interplay between the instruments is a key feature of the track, with moments of intense, almost overwhelming, complexity giving way to passages of stunning simplicity and beauty. The influence of Washington's background in both jazz and hip-hop is evident in the track. Elements of funk, soul, and even classical music are interwoven into the composition, showcasing Washington's ability to transcend genre boundaries and create a sound that is uniquely his own. "Truth" has been widely praised for its artistic ambition and emotional depth. It has been interpreted as a reflection on the state of the world, a meditation on the nature of truth and perception, and a celebration of the beauty that can be found in diversity. The track's release was accompanied by a short film directed by AG Rojas, which further explores these themes through a series of powerful, visually arresting vignettes.