Bissau (Pilooski Remix)

  • Track


Bissau (Pilooski Remix)


Rework of a track by Francis Bebey, a pioneering Cameroonian musician known for his unique blend of traditional African music with electronic and classical influences. Pilooski, a French DJ and producer reimagined this track, giving it a contemporary twist while respecting the essence of Bebey's original composition.







Pilooski's edit of "BISSAO" maintains the integrity of Bebey's original work, which is rooted in the sounds and rhythms of African music. Bebey was known for his use of the sanza, a traditional African thumb piano, and this instrument features prominently in the track. Its melodic patterns provide a hypnotic and rhythmic backbone, over which Bebey's vocals gently weave. The original composition is characterized by its minimalistic approach yet richly textured sound, combining elements of folk with ambient and experimental music. In Pilooski's edit, these elements are given a modern context. He enhances the track with subtle electronic elements, expanding its sonic landscape without overpowering the original composition's simplicity and beauty. The edit brings in a gentle, pulsating beat that complements the rhythm of the sanza, making the track more accessible to contemporary audiences and suitable for modern dancefloors. One of the notable aspects of Pilooski's edit is how it respects the organic and raw quality of Bebey's music. While introducing electronic components, the edit avoids overwhelming the acoustic nature of the original. This delicate balance pays homage to Bebey’s artistic vision while bringing his music into a new era.