Western media distorting facts about the War in Gaza

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Israel made a bold claim, that Hamas' fighters killed, beheaded and possibly burnt 40 'Israeli' babies with Zero proof. this claim was later retracted after the PR damage has been done to the Palestinian cause and resistance.

Posted a video from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, wherein a journalist claimed that the IOF had come across horrific scenes within the homes of the Kibbutz, which included families being slaughtered and infants with their heads cut off by Hamas.

Posted a video from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, wherein a journalist claimed that the IOF had come across horrific scenes within the homes of the Kibbutz, which included families being slaughtered and infants with their heads cut off by Hamas.

  1. A Haaretz investigation previously found that i24 News functions as a proxy for the Netanyahu family, with directives coming directly from the Israeli Prime Minister's office at times.

    i24 News has employed at least 35 veterans of Israeli forces as staff

    Channa Rifkin is an i24News correspondent who transitioned from the channel's Social Media editor to the Israeli military, then returned to work for i24News.

    Polina Gareav, who works as the Germany Correspondent for i24News while also working as a "social media guru" at DW, the German broadcaster where Palestinians were fired for social media posts.

  1. David Matlin, the host of a daily flagship show on i24News, is a former Israeli military sergeant and the regional director for Israel lobby group AIPAC.

  1. Eyal Pinko, who was the head of intelligence in the Israeli Navy before becoming the head of division in the Israeli prime minister's office, is another correspondent for the channel.

Daniel Tsemach, a former social media manager for the Israeli military, was also hired as a journalist by i24News. He later became the international media manager and spokesman for the Israeli state-owned arms firm Rafeal Systems.

The one behind the initial claim was none other than David Ben Zion, an Israeli soldier & extremist settler leader who incited violent riots by calling to "wipe out" Palestinians earlier this year.

"They chopped heads of children and women," says David Ben Zion, Deputy Commander of Unit 71 while reporting from the 'massacre' in Kfar Aza in southern Israel

“We walked door to door; we killed a lot of terrorists. They are very bad. They cut the heads of children, they cut the heads of women. But we are stronger than them.”

  1. He added, “We know that they are animals,” referring to Palestinians, “but we found that they don’t have any heart.”

    — “It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield, it’s a massacre,” IOF Major General Itai Veruv says. “You see the babies, their mothers and their fathers, in their bedrooms, and in their protected rooms, and how the terrorists killed them — it’s not a war.”

A French journalist for i24NEWS_FR Mael Benoliel corroborated the claims that families were slaughtered and first-hand witnesses on the scene had told him that babies inside the homes were decapitated. In an interview with the French news network BFMTV. He described the scene later in a video.

Nic Robertson, a senior international correspondent for CNN also 'confirmed' that there were decapitated victims: “There were so many murdered members of this Kibbutz. Men, women, children, hands bound, shot, executed, heads cut”.

Margot Haddad, a French journalist and international editor at LCI, posted about the scene at Kfar Aza: "That's it, the information is out. It's so macabre that no one wanted to reveal it until they had 100% confirmation." She lists her sources, see below in the blue box:

To make matters worse, the POTUS, Joe Biden, claimed he had confirmation of decapitated babies. BIDEN: "I never really thought that I would see…have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children"

  1. Back to the main claims that are unverified but shared across all the Western media's propaganda

    The Israeli government has not confirmed the specific claim that Hamas attackers cut off the heads of babies during their shock attack on Saturday, an Israeli official told CNN, contradicting a previous public statement by the Prime Minister’s office.