A series of rocket and mortar attacks launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, primarily by Hamas and other Palestinian militant factions.

  • Claim

The rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas and other militant groups have been a recurring feature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly since the early 2000s. These attacks typically involve the launching of Qassam rockets, mortars, and occasionally more advanced rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli civilian and military areas. The frequency and intensity of these attacks have varied over time, often escalating during periods of heightened tension or conflict. The attacks have been a central factor in triggering Israeli military responses, including operations in the Gaza Strip. They have caused civilian casualties and property damage in Israel, leading to significant security measures by the Israeli government, including the Iron Dome missile defense system. The rocket attacks, widely condemned internationally, have been a key aspect of the conflict, reflecting the ongoing struggle between Israel and Palestinian militant groups for territorial and political control.


A series of rocket and mortar attacks launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory, primarily by Hamas and other Palestinian militant factions.


The rocket attacks on Israel by Hamas and other militant groups have been a recurring feature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly since the early 2000s. These attacks typically involve the launching of Qassam rockets, mortars, and occasionally more advanced rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli civilian and military areas.


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