The Conduct of Israeli Air Force Pilots Bombing in Civilian Areas

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Yonotan Shapira served in the IAF for 11 years as an officer in the Black Hawk helicopter squadron. In 2003, Shapira authored the “Pilots’ Letter” in which 27 IAF pilot co-signers stated their refusal to fly over the occupied territories.

Shapira continues to use his voice to raise awareness about the Israeli army’s war crimes. As recently as 2021, he described the Israeli government and army as “terrorist organizations” run by “war criminals” to the Middle East Monitor.

A Bold Stand

In 2003, a group of Israeli pilots took a bold stand against participating in military operations they believed could harm innocent civilians in the Palestinian Territories. Their refusal was not just an act of personal conscience but also a significant statement within the context of the ongoing conflict.

These pilots, some from elite units like the Black Hawk helicopter and F-16 fighter squadrons, voiced their concerns publicly, challenging the tactics employed by the Israeli military. Their actions and statements shed light on the complex ethical dilemmas faced by military personnel in conflict zones.

The Pilots Letter:

We, veteran pilots and active pilots alike…are opposed to carrying out illegal and immoral attacks, of the type carried out by Israel in the territories. We, who have been educated to love the state of Israel refuse to take part in airforce attacks in civilian population centres. We refuse to continue harming innocent civilians.


The Conduct of Israeli Air Force Pilots Bombing in Civilian Areas


Yonotan Shapira is a Former Captain of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) who has since become an outspoken activist and supporter of the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.



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