Since 1967, movement restrictions on Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip (Gaza) have limited prompt access to medical care. The West Bank and East Jerusalem have been segmented into smaller and smaller disconnected areas by separation walls and fences, and Israeli-only roads connecting the settlements. Israel restricts movement between and within the territories through a complex system of internal closures that bar Palestinians from leaving their town, village, or refugee camp; and refugee camps refer patients to specialty clinics and hospitals as needed. Consequently, movement restrictions can result in delayed, inadequate, or no medical care

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Since 1967, movement restrictions on Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip (Gaza) have limited prompt access to medical care. The West Bank and East Jerusalem have been segmented into smaller and smaller disconnected areas by separation walls and fences, and Israeli-only roads connecting the settlements. Israel restricts movement between and within the territories through a complex system of internal closures that bar Palestinians from leaving their town, village, or refugee camp; and refugee camps refer patients to specialty clinics and hospitals as needed. Consequently, movement restrictions can result in delayed, inadequate, or no medical care


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