The 2006 Gaza strip takeover by Hamas involved direct clashes between Fatah and Hamas forces. The primary Fatah forces engaged in the conflict included the Palestinian National Security Forces, especially the Presidential Guard, while the main force of Hamas was the Executive Force.
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Tensions between Fatah and Hamas intensified after Hamas won the elections of 2006 and the international community increased the pressure on the Palestinian Authority
On 10 June 2007, the Fatah–Hamas conflict culminated in clashes between Fatah-allied forces and Hamas-allied forces. The primary Fatah forces were the Palestinian National Security Forces, particularly the Presidential Guard. The main force of Hamas was the Executive Force
Hamas’ swift victory in the June 2007 battle of Gaza was a stunning defeat for American interests in the Middle East. Hamas, an organization the United States has blackballed for 20 years, took control of 1.4 million Palestinians in less than a week, humiliating not only the US-backed Fateh but also the US-created coalition of Israel, Egypt, and Jordan that had been training and equipping Fateh to defeat Hamas.