Operation protective edge

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Operation Protective Edge, initiated by Israel on July 8, 2014, was a response to escalating rocket attacks from Hamas-controlled Gaza. The operation began with intensive air strikes targeting Hamas's military infrastructure, followed by a ground invasion aimed at destroying tunnel networks used by militants to launch attacks on Israeli territory. The conflict lasted seven weeks and involved some of the most intense fighting seen in the region since 1967. The operation resulted in significant casualties, predominantly Palestinian, including many civilians, and caused extensive damage to Gaza's infrastructure. It ended with a ceasefire agreement on August 26, 2014, but left many of the underlying issues unresolved, contributing to ongoing tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Operation protective edge


Operation Protective Edge was a large-scale Israeli military operation against Hamas in Gaza in 2014, characterized by air strikes, a ground invasion, and a focus on destroying tunnels. It was in response to increased rocket fire from Gaza and aimed to diminish Hamas's military capabilities.



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