Monther Shoblaq, chief executive of Gaza’s water utility, said that before the current bombardment, the supplied water on average was 300,000 m3/day from all sources. “Under the current severe and spontaneous shelling and bombardment, it’s impossible to assess the damages on infrastructure,” Shoblaq said. “But many facilities were reported to have damages and some are out of service. Moreover a lot of household connections were damaged.”

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Monther Shoblaq, chief executive of Gaza’s water utility, said that before the current bombardment, the supplied water on average was 300,000 m3/day from all sources. “Under the current severe and spontaneous shelling and bombardment, it’s impossible to assess the damages on infrastructure,” Shoblaq said. “But many facilities were reported to have damages and some are out of service. Moreover a lot of household connections were damaged.”


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