The blockade of the Gaza Strip, primarily enforced by Israel and to a lesser extent by Egypt, began in 2007 following the takeover of Gaza by Hamas. The blockade has had a profound impact on the civilian population of Gaza. It has led to severe shortages of essential supplies, including food, fuel, and medical supplies, and has limited access to basic services.

  • Claim

The blockade of the Gaza Strip, primarily enforced by Israel and to a lesser extent by Egypt, began in 2007 following the takeover of Gaza by Hamas, an organization designated as a terrorist group by several countries, including Israel. This blockade includes tight control over land crossings, a naval blockade, and restrictions on the airspace. The primary objectives stated by Israel for imposing the blockade were to prevent the smuggling of weapons and military equipment into Gaza and to put pressure on Hamas.

However, the blockade has had a profound impact on the civilian population of Gaza. It has led to severe shortages of essential supplies, including food, fuel, and medical supplies, and has limited access to basic services. The restrictions have also crippled the Gazan economy, leading to high unemployment rates and widespread poverty. Additionally, the blockade has been a significant factor in the deterioration of infrastructure and public services, including healthcare, sanitation, and electricity.


The blockade of the Gaza Strip, primarily enforced by Israel and to a lesser extent by Egypt, began in 2007 following the takeover of Gaza by Hamas. The blockade has had a profound impact on the civilian population of Gaza. It has led to severe shortages of essential supplies, including food, fuel, and medical supplies, and has limited access to basic services.


The blockade of the Gaza Strip, primarily enforced by Israel and to a lesser extent by Egypt, began in 2007 following the takeover of Gaza by Hamas. The blockade has had a profound impact on the civilian population of Gaza. It has led to severe shortages of essential supplies, including food, fuel, and medical supplies, and has limited access to basic services.
