Alley cropping

  • Agroforestry type

Alley Cropping is an agroforestry practice where crops are grown in the alleys or spaces between rows of trees or shrubs. The trees or shrubs are typically pruned regularly, allowing sunlight to reach the crops in the alleys.

Key Features

  • Row Planting: Trees or shrubs are planted in rows with a wide spacing to create alleys.

  • Dual Production: Both the trees and the crops in the alleys can be harvested for produce.

  • Canopy Management: Regular pruning or coppicing ensures that the tree canopy does not shade out the crops below.


  • Soil Conservation: The trees help in preventing soil erosion and enhance soil fertility.

  • Microclimate Regulation: Trees can provide a protective microclimate, reducing temperature extremes and protecting crops from harsh winds.

  • Biodiversity Enhancement: The integration of trees with crops promotes a diverse habitat for various fauna.


  • Labor Intensive: Requires regular pruning and management of tree rows.

  • Competition: If not managed properly, trees and crops can compete for water and nutrients.


Alley cropping


Alley Cropping is an agroforestry practice where crops are grown in the alleys or spaces between rows of trees or shrubs. The trees or shrubs are typically pruned regularly, allowing sunlight to reach the crops in the alleys.
