Nutrient film technique (NFT)

  • Hydroponic system


The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) is a hydroponic method wherein a thin film of nutrient-rich water flows continuously over the roots of plants, allowing them to absorb essential minerals and oxygen. Unlike other hydroponic methods, NFT doesn't immerse plant roots in a growing medium; instead, they are suspended in channels with a slight slope, ensuring the nutrient solution flows with gravity.

System Design & Mechanics:

In an NFT setup, plants are typically grown in long, sloping troughs or channels. A pump circulates the nutrient solution from a reservoir to the higher end of these channels. The solution flows down the channels in a thin film, making direct contact with the hanging roots of the plants. This thin film ensures efficient uptake of nutrients while also providing oxygen, which is crucial for root health. After flowing over the roots, the excess solution drains back into the reservoir to be recirculated.


  • Efficiency: NFT provides plants with a consistent supply of nutrients, ensuring optimal growth conditions.

  • Space-saving: Due to its design, NFT systems can be stacked vertically, making it ideal for urban and commercial farming.

  • Water Conservation: It's a recirculating system, meaning there's reduced water wastage.

  • Flexibility: Suitable for a range of crops, especially leafy greens and herbs.


  • Vulnerability: Any interruption, such as a pump failure or power outage, can quickly dry out the roots, damaging the plants.

  • Lack of Buffer: Absence of a significant amount of growing medium means there's less buffer against changes in pH or nutrient concentrations.

  • Maintenance: Regular monitoring of the nutrient solution is crucial to prevent imbalances or deficiencies.

Ideal Crops:

NFT is best suited for lightweight, fast-growing plants. Common crops include lettuce, basil, mint, arugula, and strawberries. Larger plants or those with extensive root systems aren't typically grown using NFT due to the lack of structural support and limited space in the channels.

Environmental Impact:

When managed properly, NFT systems can be more water-efficient than traditional soil farming. However, like all hydroponic methods, it relies on manufactured nutrient solutions, which have their own environmental considerations.


The Nutrient Film Technique is a versatile and efficient hydroponic method, particularly favored for commercial production of leafy greens. Its success hinges on meticulous system management and timely interventions. As technology advances, automation and monitoring tools can further enhance the reliability and productivity of NFT systems.


Nutrient film technique (NFT)


The NFT system involves a continuous flow of nutrient solution over the roots of plants, which are suspended in a sloping trough or channel. The solution moves in a thin film, ensuring that roots receive both nutrients and oxygen.
