
  • Agroforestry type

Silvopasture is an agroforestry system that combines the cultivation of trees with pasture and livestock. It integrates forestry and grazing in a way that is mutually beneficial, allowing for the production of timber, livestock, and forage on the same parcel of land.

Key Features

  • Tree Canopy: A deliberate combination of trees that may be spaced to allow sunlight for understory grasses.

  • Understory Vegetation: Grasses and forbs suitable for livestock grazing, which benefit from the shelter and microclimate provided by the trees.

  • Livestock Integration: Animals graze on the understory vegetation, cycling nutrients, and aiding in land management.


  • Diversified Income: Provides multiple sources of revenue from timber, livestock, and sometimes additional products like nuts or fruits.

  • Soil Health: Trees and perennial grasses reduce soil erosion and improve its fertility.

  • Animal Welfare: Trees offer shelter for livestock, protecting them from extreme weather conditions and potentially improving their overall health and productivity.

  • Carbon Sequestration: Trees capture carbon dioxide, aiding in climate change mitigation.


  • Management Complexity: Requires knowledge in both forestry and livestock management.

  • Initial Costs: The establishment can be resource-intensive, especially if planting trees on existing pastur




Silvopasture is an agroforestry system that combines the cultivation of trees with pasture and livestock. It integrates forestry and grazing in a way that is mutually beneficial, allowing for the production of timber, livestock, and forage on the same parcel of land.
