Crisis intervention

  • Skill

By carefully addressing safety, well-being, and crisis intervention, and by establishing strong collaborations with local agencies, a street outreach program can make a positive impact on the lives of individuals experiencing homelessness or other challenges on the streets.

Here's a comprehensive guide on each aspect:


Team Training- Ensure that outreach team members are adequately trained in safety protocols and crisis intervention. Provide training on conflict resolution, de-escalation techniques, and basic self-defense if necessary.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)- Equip the outreach team with necessary safety gear, including reflective vests, first aid kits, and any relevant protective items needed. Encourage them to wear strong, close toed shoes, bring their own water bottle, a hat, and sunscreen as needed. Depending on the nature of outreach, consider providing safety equipment such as gloves or masks.

Communication Devices- Provide team members with reliable communication devices (e.g., radios, cell phones) to maintain contact and coordinate efforts.

Risk Assessment- Conduct thorough risk assessments of outreach areas to identify potential hazards. Develop strategies to mitigate risks, such as avoiding certain locations during specific times.

Emergency Response Plan- Establish a clear emergency response plan that outlines procedures for various scenarios, including medical emergencies or dangerous situations.

Regularly review and update the emergency response plan.


Cultural Competence- Train outreach staff to be culturally competent and sensitive to the diverse needs of the community they are serving. For example, people from certain cultures in China find it rude/confrontational to make direct eye contact for a long period of time, especially between people of different socio-economic statuses. Match the culture of the group you are serving. Always ask permission before coming close to someone’s outdoor living space.

Trauma-Informed Care- Adopt trauma-informed care practices to understand and respond to the potential trauma experienced by individuals on the streets. For example, instead of asking directly about traumatic experiences, the outreach worker uses open-ended and non-intrusive questions to allow a person to share what they are comfortable with. "Can you tell me more about what's been on your mind lately? How are you feeling about your current situation?"

Referral Systems- Develop strong referral systems to connect individuals with mental health services, addiction treatment, housing assistance, and other relevant resources.

Crisis Intervention

Training in Crisis Intervention- Train team members in crisis intervention techniques, including active listening, empathy, redirection, and de-escalation strategies.

Collaboration with Mental Health Professionals- Collaborate with local mental health professionals who can provide on-call support or participate in outreach efforts.

Mobile Crisis Units- Explore partnerships with mobile crisis units that can quickly respond to individuals in acute distress.

Emergency Shelter Access- Establish relationships with emergency shelters and have a system in place to help individuals in crisis access these services.

Follow-Up Support- Develop a system for follow-up support to ensure that individuals who have experienced a crisis receive ongoing care and assistance.

Collaboration with Local Agencies

Partnerships- Foster strong partnerships with local law enforcement, healthcare providers, social services, and community organizations.

Regular Meetings and Communication- Attend regular meetings with local agencies to share information, coordinate efforts, and address emerging issues.

Information Sharing Protocols- Establish protocols for sharing information (while respecting privacy laws) to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to outreach.

Resource Sharing- Share resources and expertise with local agencies and organizations to enhance the overall impact of street outreach efforts.

Community Engagement- Actively engage with the community to understand their needs and involve them in the planning and implementation of outreach initiatives.


Crisis intervention


De-escalation techniques are essential when working with individuals who may be experiencing heightened emotions or distress.
