Street outreach meeting 12/06/23

  • Event

North Star

We are trying to organize systems, and test them out so they can be finalized and then replicated. We can each pitch our own proposals and then the group votes.

We are trying to solve the homelessness problem in San Francisco- help make those resources more complete and bridge the gap in the user accessing it, and the providers in coordination.

For example

Amazon is a platform that is a system different retailers use, to connect to customers to buy their products

  • Can have a cart with 3 different vendors

  • Not sold by Amazon, but a platform that provides the service: structure

  • Highway creations to get fast paced connection to the different organizations

People get lost in the gaps, so how do we build a durable web?

  • Tool to streamline, and help people plug in more easily

  • Peter is a coordinator, he is already doing it, he is very passionate about this, and he can give us feedback to learn what it would be to better the format.

  • Parameter mapping

  • Haight and Ashbury: suggested that Geo has a contact person listed for each neighborhood

  • An essential part for volunteers to help in

Current systems

  • HMIS- Homeless Management Information System-

  • Very archaic, and its not being built for the future

  • HUD is not doing it well- we will build it better

Next step: Bring resources directly to the streets

  • Counselors, therapists etc will come out and talk to them, plug them into programs

  • All the professions come together as we are building the network

  • Drawing the people form the street towards hope and a future that is better for them

  • 3-6 months and go out once a week

Ellis app

  • Ellis App that Yan is developing will be the user interface for us, and the outreach coordinators/workers to use

  • Vision is to make it super user friendly so that someone can get to the nearest shelter bed

  • Develop for good

  • We are working on the front end

  • The back end? Ceramic, weave chain, database management?

  • What are the bridges going to look like? App to access information from Geo Browser

  • Think about inner operability to access information

  • Ai 16-20 week process where they work with nonprofits and social enterprises

  • Building relationships with engineers around the world

  • Ellis is the centerpiece, the holder of the Daos

  • Daos plug into it

  • Beta testing in the Bay Area, but ultimately the system can be used all over the world

  • Weave Chain- an app that is already HIPPA Compliant

More locations and collaboration

  • Start something in places like: The Mission, The Haight

  • Where? How Often?

  • Resource base: YWAM, Salvation Army- refer more people in

  • The Daos can be many things

  • This group’s goal is to map out a universal system for ANYONE ANYWHERE to plan a street outreach walk, using this Dao tool to plan a walk, have funds from the Dao system and plan a walk

  • Utilizing YWAM to start because it’s convenient and can be our case study for the process we are mapping out

Smart Contracts

  • Eventually we can use smart contracts to be our tool

  • All the resources are there to use: resources, payment for time, people ready for volunteering, etc

  • Another format we can use to practice and better, more intimately understand the systems in place to operate these walks

  • Roles: Street Outreach C, Captain, worker, housing navigator

  • Activities: train the volunteers, map our the route, create a list of specified goals

  • For example: share flyers with recovery programs that have openings

  • Each person’s work will be validated

  • We need to intimately understand the tasks needed for each role for it to be compensated

  • Smart contract: Map it out what people get paid for

  • Robot Heart community for example: no matter how many days you volunteered, everyone would get offered the same reward

  • Encourage participation

  • Work is what we can pay people for

  • We should think systems

Metrics for Daos

  • Host weekly meetups

  • Create an active discord group

  • Offering up more tasks for people to plug in

  • Map out roles and activities

  • Organizations

  • Defining detailed job description for the roles

  • 10k GRT can be retroactive

  • Example: pay for a referral

  • Visual mapping of tasks- Abbey is willing to help with this

  • Ask Abbey to start with street outreach

Breaking down the tasks

  • Research, analyze, deconstruct, reconstruct

  • Start there and then the learnings will transfer to the rest

  • Create a space on Geo Outlining the structure of the Dao

  • Each Dao has 1 in person, 1 zoom per month

  • 11am-12pm is the new time slot that we will start rotating the Daos into

  • Exercises so that we can intimately understand the process, we want people, individuals and groups to plug in so we can better understand this

  • Not individual start ups, but departments of the same initiative

  • How do we streamline and map that out?

  • Unique identifier will be needed in time

  • Prerequisite, the most important piece is that it is replicable

  • Churches can be the hubs

  • A physical location will eventually become antiquated

  • Platform is neutral so it is more accessible

    Start with a 360 view

  • Then distill everything down to the simplest form

  • Hubs and start locations can change

  • YWAM is an early adopter

  • Decentralized distribution model using a centralized Ellis App

Dan’s Question: Mental Health Resources

  • Mental health centers are not always compatible with someone who needs a recovery location

  • If they can’t take care of themselves, will they go back into city custody?

  • Is conservatorship helpful?

  • Congregate housing is not for everyone.

  • Calling 911 in SF gives you the option to connect with a mental health response, HOT Team vs a Police response

  • BART now has a mental health- de-escalation specialist

  • The Hot team can triage and then offer them congregate housing, single rooms or 3 person per room, for example.

Naeemah: Relationships are what we want to see from the outreach team

  • We need to connect with access points

  • Have coordinators reach out to the different locations and build relationships with them

  • 1st order of business is to create a functional system

  • After that is done successfully

  • Part 2 or 3, de-escalation training

  • She suggests connecting with the school systems and paying teachers or other staff more for any time they spend assisting families with housings

Additional planning for Thursday’s outreach event

What do we want to hand out?

  • Hot coco, ponchos, cookies, Lavender and eucalyptus, socks

  • Kent: For the February outreach, If you are new come to the orientation at 3pm, if not new come at 3:30pm

  • Debrief: captains talk in small groups

  • Maybe 2 groups sharing and then bring the info back for the group share

  • What stood out to you? The Captains will share the highlights

Giving the funds

  • Post to the discord encouraging people to come to the event early if they would like to set up their digital wallet

  • Some staff: having income outside of their regular work can jeopardize their visas

  • Kent is getting the Target giftcards- buy 25

  • If outreach worker declines payment, they don’t take a card

  • Digital currency or giftcards are the two option

  • Educate on safely storing wallets, before giving digital currency

  • Create a POAP, proof of attendance

  • Scan a QR code when you get there- have an attendance list

  • At the end validate the services by having them scan again

  • Kent as a coordinator: shares the resources he bought, and the group has an approval process to validate the process

  • We vote to get him reimbursed

  • ⅔ need to approve with their wallet so the funds get released


Street outreach meeting 12/06/23


Notes from our 1st meeting in December. This group’s goal is to map out a universal system for ANYONE, ANYWHERE to plan a street outreach walk. Using this Dao's tools, systems and funds to plan a walk.




Wednesday 12/06 12:45 pm