YWAM's Tenderloin walk 3/07/24
Kyle, one of the Street Outreach Captains knew a lot of people
One woman came up and hugged him, but he didn’t know her. He hugged her anyway because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
Team B shared some people already knew about WYAM. Half of the people we met in team A already knew YWAM.
When we were out during today's hot cocoa outreach, people were asking if it was Friday since that is the main evening they go around and serve coco to people in the neighborhood
How do you approach speaking with people who speak different languages?
Luckily the staff at YWAM are fairly international, so amount them, there is usually someone who can speak the needed language
There’s always some kind of barrier
Be patient, and present because some people might come in with developmental disabilities or a fog from drug use
We met T, and he went to the same high school as Street Outreach Worker Paul’s son. He shared about being addicted to Oxicodone when he was young. We asked if he is still in touch with his parents and he proudly exclaimed "YES!" He reported that his Mom comes to visit him every Saturday. He also reported that he has been clean for a month, but appeared to be intoxicated when we spoke with him. We gave him a flyer for WYAM and encouraged him to come by for the Friday BBQ.
Captain Kyle
Kyle responded, “You better watch a rom-com, to get all your tears out before I play you!”
Kyle responded, “You better watch a rom-com, to get all your tears out before I play you!”
One guy shared he wanted to stop drinking. Kyle asked him if he wanted to go to AA. He declined.
One guy shared he wanted to stop drinking. Kyle asked him if he wanted to go to AA. He declined.
He was acknowledging that he has a problem. He didn’t seem to be too intoxicated in that moment. He has reached the 1st step, in AA's 12 step program, admitting he has a problem.
You need to be a friend first
The important question It’s not, “Does this person have access to resources?”, but “Are they willing to follow through on those resources?
Relationship first means having someone to have a platform of trust, and support you through it
We try to earn the right to be heard
Respect is needed
Plan would be to get to know them for 9 months, see them consistently and in 9 months then you could have a conversation about accountability and getting healthier
Part of this is getting out there and learning people’s names
If he is saying no to every suggestion, you can ask: “How can I support you/What can I do for you?”
It often start with a game of pool
We are not diagnosing people, we come as a friend
We are just listening to people
People know their issues better than I do.
Does WYAM have anything going on in the evenings?
On Fridays they have the BBQs from 2-4pm and then hot coco distrobution during their outreach in the evenings starting at 8pm
Building connections and inviting people back to the Saturday morning activities.
Ellis Room after hours. Put on movies, serve coffee, cookies and they have a tv and a projector but it’s hard to see the video when the lights are on inside, with their current projector
What are the felt needs in our neighborhood, and how do we meet them?
This is how Saturdays became a thing. They had feedback from the community suggesting this.
Want to add more evening activities- recovery nights here. Glad tidings, and Pastor Noah of Bay Church are interested in hosting groups
During the all-nights. The mountain of blanket donations from city-serve were very useful because people would come in, soaking wet. Doing this encouraged more folks to become regulars during the day.
Hosting neighbors in the evenings started in November 2023, during APEC, when The City of SF kicked everyone out of their tents and shared they would come back to do it every day. It started pouring rain that week. YWAM stayed open for 7 nights during that conference
Bearing one another’s burdens
Rescue Mission just texted Kent asking about recovery groups on Thursdays
Be proactive
We don’t clock into relationship
Show up for your neighbors
Was anything surprising?
“The hot coffee is life changing at night when you are cold and wet” a recipient shared
People were showing a lot respect and loyalty to YWAM, and told all of the people around to clear the way, and behave, because YWAM was coming through with their hot coco
The neighbors honored us because they have felt honored and supported from WYAM