Tenderloin Walk 01/04/24

  • Outreach walk

YWAM Street Outreach Notes

This is our 3rd Walk with the help of Youth With a Mission


Numbers were a little lower with this being a holiday/travel week for most.

Numbers were a little lower with this being a holiday/travel week for most.

1 Coordinator

6 volunteers

1 unhoused advisor


Is it possible to create a 3-D rendered beanie hat?

No, but Kent can do a new art piece each walk and continue adding pins to it.

Tech Access

A volunteer is wondering if he could utilize these walks to collect data on unhoused needs.

A volunteer is wondering if he could utilize these walks to collect data on unhoused needs.

Isaac shared that so long as you don't make "answering the question" a pre-requisit for getting cocoa, socks, etc. Start by asking "Is it alright if I ask you a question for a project I am working on?" Also, elaborate if they would like to know more.

We found that people answered in two ways:

Is it easy for you to access it?

1. I could if I really needed to.

2. I have a phone, it’s easy.


Starting off with words of wisdom. "The TL is an Abyss, when you stare into it, you see yourself." -Outreach Captain Isaac, who also shared this was not a waste of time because "there is no such thing as wasted love."

Report backs

  • 1st Team: We have seen the most aggressive person and the most sublime. Gave out a lot of flyers at least 1 per group

  • 2nd Group: Pure angels only. Gave out half of their flyers

  • Isaac advises us to hold onto that feeling, because you will run into aggressive people later on

  • Our brains, due to biology, Fundamental Attribution Error, will put people into categories

  • We Organize, categorize and attribute positive and negative values to a population

  • Why do I do this? Series of serendipitous moments that remind us why we do this

  • I am not the best version of myself if I am not with my neighbors

  • Saw a community member and reconnected with him. Saw two other regulars from YWAM

  • Steve Bingquist is the Director of Ministry at YWAM

  • We <3 SF community is welcomes because we have such creative ideas

  • CS Lewis’ definition of friendship: “Oh, you too.”

    Ideas for future walks

  • Surveys to gather data, show them the live poll test

  • Have the “question of the day” for outreach events

  • YWAM has done this before: Chalkboard that has a word or question on it where people can engage and respond

  • Questions have an impact on the person receiving them, it influences them.

  • Helps to direct their attention.

  • Validation- their opinion matters

  • Actionable data

  • Think of question, send to staff and go from there.

    Take aways

  • Split up the flyers to more people vs having only one person passing out the stack of flyers

  • Be calm, cool, collected, walk away if needed and all will be good


  • A woman became activated when the thought that one of our Captain was refusing to give her hot cocoa

  • It was a misunderstanding and when he offered to give her cocoa, she ran out into the street, yelled profanities at him and exposed herself

  • The group distanced themselves from her as our Captain calmly but firmly shared that she was behaving inappropriately and that he can't be around her if he is yelling slurs at him

  • Sometimes we think it is kind or the best approach to ignore someone's bad behavior

  • Our Captain shared that is it actually incredibly dignifying to leverage consequences of a person's behavior in front of them

  • He started off by giving her the benefit of the doubt, but always county up to 3 strikes total

  • He also confirmed that we shouldn't ignore or never become offended by someone's behavior

  • It’s ok to be offended by offensive behavior

  • You have a right to be offended, but don’t let this affect the decisions you make

  • Set these boundaries and stick to them so more time can be focused on people who are in a place to receive help

  • Redirect unfavorable behavior if the situation calls for it


Tenderloin Walk 01/04/24


These are the meeting notes from January's Street Outreach Walk in the Tenderloin hosted by YWAM.
