Outreach captain

  • Role

A street outreach lead is typically responsible for training and overseeing the activities of a street outreach that supports unhoused people. Their role involves a combination of managerial, administrative, and direct service responsibilities.

Here's a description of what a street outreach lead might do:

Lead the team

Provide guidance and supervision to the street outreach team members. Conduct training sessions for team members to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to engage effectively with homeless individuals.

Strategic Planning

Contribute to the development and refinement of outreach programs and strategies. Collaborate with coordinators to confirm outreach goals and objectives, and the dates for the outreach walk. If this person is a part of a community center or existing organization, they will host the orientation, training and debriefing meeting for the participants.

Harm Reduction

If appropriate, implement harm reduction strategies for individuals dealing with substance abuse issues. Most of the Fentanyl overdoses are from drug users taking drugs they didn't know were laced with Fentanyl. Fentanyl test strips and Narcan can save lives. Provide education on safer substance use practices and distribute harm reduction supplies. Narcan is a nasal spray that can bring someone back who is passing out/overdosing on a narcotic substances. Connect individuals with addiction treatment and rehabilitation services. Not everyone will be ready for sobriety, but informing individuals that these programs exist, and encouraging them to go can help someone to make this change.

Empowerment and Skill Building

Help individuals develop life skills, such as budgeting, job searching, anger management, parenting, communication skills, and more. Support the development of personal goals and plans for moving out of homelessness. Encourage participation in education and job training programs. Incentivize an individuals participation in support and skill building groups or other workshops and classes if you can.

Resource Allocation

Ensure that the outreach team has the necessary resources to provide assistance to homeless individuals, such as hygiene kits, food, blankets, and informational materials. Work with the Dao to plan for offering financial incentive for the participants, if possible.

Data Collection and Reporting

Oversee the documentation of outreach activities, including data on the number of individuals served, needs identified, and services provided/referred. Take these notes at the end of each street outreach debrief.

Collaboration with Service Providers

Work closely with other service providers, including shelters, healthcare organizations, and social service agencies, to facilitate comprehensive support for homeless individuals. Develop and maintain a list of reliable and high quality programs through a referral system so you can connect homeless individuals with appropriate services.

Crisis Management

Provide guidance and support in handling crisis situations, including mental health emergencies, conflicts, or extreme weather conditions. Coordinate with emergency services and law enforcement when necessary. If you call 911, ask for a CIT, Crisis Intervention Team officer. If the emergency is between the hours of 11am-11pm, you can call SF Mobile Crisis at (415) 970-4000. They will send a trained professional who can support the individual and potentially offer them a safe space for them to de-escalate and cope.

A street outreach captain plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of street outreach efforts, working towards the ultimate goal of improving the lives of those experiencing homelessness within the community.


Outreach captain


A street outreach lead plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of street outreach efforts, working towards the ultimate goal of improving the lives of those experiencing homelessness within the community.

