Homeless Church Walk

  • Recurring outreach Walk

The Homeless Church was started by Pastor Evan and his wife 30 years ago. They started in a school bus serving meals in Golden Gate Park, and now run a group home, host outreach, share gospel and feed hundreds of people every time they hit the streets of San Francisco. They dream of opening up a community center for their unhoused neighbors.


"The Homeless Church was born when Evan Prosser was pastor of a church in Orland, California. God stopped him as he was driving home, and told him to resign the church in Orland and go to San Francisco to start a church of homeless people.

He gave four points:

1. Not an outreach, but homeless people's church.

2. Comprised of a number of "pocket bodies" where people are already living on the street.

3. Trans-denominationally supported and staffed.

4. There is a warehouse.

We moved here into an old school bus in 1994 and began meeting the people in a huge camp at Mission Rock. The fact that we lived on the street also was a great benefit. Soon after, Phyllis Edwinson, a lady we met at City View Church, let us use a house she owned for homeless people moving off the streets. She later gave us the house.

In the years we have been here God has faithfully performed all he has promised, people have been saved, baptized and moved into a new life in Christ. Golden Gate City Assembly of God allowed us to use their church as a pre-warehouse day center for homeless people in the Tenderloin area. It was a great blessing that only stopped when the Covid-19 pandemic closed churches. Some of the people from the Tenderloin service moved outside to Sixth Street, where we have two outside services. We can't wait to see what God does in the next 25 years."


Evan Prosser is pastor of the Homeless Church, with a huge team of helpers, many of whom started out on the streets themselves. John Cass is our bookkeeper. Idus Jones is a dynamic preacher and ready to do whatever is needed. Mike Ford keeps the home running in a thousand ways. Melodie is appropriately named. She is a super-talented song writer and singer, still living on the street. Other musicians include Vic Garcia, Gesner Nazaire, Staci Lewis, Paul Hess, Richard Edwinson, Julius Riamo, Serge Bess. This is just scraping the surface, because this is a church where everyone is using God's gifts and abilities to make it all grow.


Homeless Church Walk


Pastor Evan runs the Homeless Church in San Francisco. They are a long-standing and dedicated organization motivated by their Christian beliefs. They work to support and partner with their unhoused neighbors.