8 Women

  • Movie


8 Women


8 Women is a French dark comedy and musical film, known for its all-female cast and a blend of mystery, humor, and dramatic elements.




"8 Women" is a French comedy-mystery film directed by François Ozon, released in 2002. Set in the 1950s in a remote country mansion, the story unfolds around the murder of the family patriarch on Christmas Eve. As the snow traps eight women in the house, including the victim's wife, sister, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and daughters, along with the housekeeper and a chambermaid, suspicions and secrets come to light. Each woman is a suspect, with her own motive for murder, and as the investigation progresses, complex relationships and hidden truths are revealed. The film is a blend of humor, suspense, and musical elements, with an all-star cast leading to an unexpected twist in the resolution of the mystery.

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