Product Engineer at Geo

  • Job opening

We're building an exciting new world on top of blockchains and decentralized networks. You'll be building the user interface that helps communities organize knowledge and information, come to consensus on the state of a shared knowledge graph, and browse all of this information in a verifiable way.

What you'll do

  • Bring new functionality to life through carefully crafted user interfaces

  • Implement complex React components from drag & drop to virtualized rendering of large data collections


React frontend with Emotion, using hooks for the composability of functionality

  • Legend State for binding the data model to the UI

  • IPFS / Arweave for storing data

  • Polygon / other Layer 2's for anchoring data on the blockchain

  • The Graph for indexing and querying public data over GraphQL

  • Design system with React component library


Product Engineer at Geo


Help build the best user interface for browsing and organizing knowledge on web3.