Protocol V2
This tracks various smart contracts and events related to the Aave protocol on the Ethereum mainnet.
Data Sources:
It tracks various contracts such as AaveOracle, OracleAnchor, ChainlinkSourcesRegistry, ChainlinkENSResolver, LendingPoolAddressesProviderRegistry, UniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, UniswapRepayAdapter, etc.
Templates: This defines templates for specific smart contracts (e.g., AaveIncentivesController, FallbackPriceOracle, ChainlinkAggregator, AToken, StableDebtToken, VariableDebtToken, LendingPoolAddressesProvider, LendingPoolConfigurator, and LendingPool).
These templates specify which entities to track and how to handle events related to these contracts.
For each contract, it specifies the ABI, entities to track (e.g., IncentivesController, Reserve, UserReserve) and event handlers for specific events (e.g., Deposit, Borrow, Repay, Swap, etc.).