Apeswap BSC
This pertains to a DeFi ecosystem on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network. It involves multiple smart contracts and tokens and aims to track various events and data associated with these contracts.
Data Sources:
Factory Data Source:
This data source focuses on the Factory contract on BSC network with the address '0x0841BD0B734E4F5853f0dD8d7Ea041c241fb0Da6'.
It starts tracking events from block number 4855900.
The primary event being tracked is 'PairCreated', and there's an associated event handler named 'handlePairCreated'.
MasterChef Data Source:
This data source centres around the MasterChefApeswap contract on the BSC network with the address '0x5c8D727b265DBAfaba67E050f2f739cAeEB4A6F9'.
It also starts tracking events from block number 4855342.
The events being tracked include 'Deposit', 'Withdraw', and 'EmergencyWithdraw', each with corresponding event handlers.
Grafting and Templates:
The subgraph mentions the ability to "graft" data from another source identified by a base IPFS hash and block number.
There is a template for a smart contract named 'Pair' that includes various ABIs and event handlers to track events like 'Mint', 'Burn', 'Swap', 'Transfer' and 'Sync'. This template is associated with BSC network.
Notable Observations:
The schema file, specified as an IPFS hash, likely contains the structure of the data to be indexed and queried.
The subgraph version is labelled as 'specVersion: 0.0.4'.
The description field is marked as '…,' suggesting that there might be additional information that was not provided.