Aave V3 Base

  • Subgraph

This subgraph is querying data from various smart contracts and events related to Aave DeFi lending protocol on the Base blockchain.

Data Sources:


  • This data source is connected to Ethereum blockchain.

  • It uses the ABI of the LendingPoolAddressesProvider contract deployed at address 0xe20fCBdBfFC4Dd138cE8b2E6FBb6CB49777ad64D.

  • It starts tracking events from block 2357105.

  • It has an event handler for the PriceOracleUpdated event.

  • The data source is named "LendingPoolAddressesProvider."


  • This data source is also connected to Ethereum blockchain.

  • It uses the ABI of the LendingPoolConfigurator contract deployed at address 0x5731a04B1E775f0fdd454Bf70f3335886e9A96be.

  • It starts tracking events from block 2357134.

  • It has event handlers for various events related to the configuration of a lending pool.

  • The data source is named "LendingPoolConfigurator."


  • This data source is connected to Ethereum blockchain.

  • It uses the ABI of the LendingPool contract deployed at address 0xA238Dd80C259a72e81d7e4664a9801593F98d1c5.

  • It starts tracking events from block 2357134.

  • It has event handlers for various events related to deposit, withdraw, borrow, repay, liquidation, and other activities within the lending pool.

  • The data source is named "LendingPool."


  • This data source is also connected to Ethereum blockchain.

  • It uses the ABI of the RewardsController contract deployed at address 0xf9cc4F0D883F1a1eb2c253bdb46c254Ca51E1F44.

  • It starts tracking events from block 2357134.

  • It has an event handler for the AssetConfigUpdated event related to rewards.

  • The data source is named "RewardsController."


Aave V3 Base


This subgraph is designed to index and provide a query interface for data related to Aave lending protocol and rewards system on the Base network. It captures various events and activities within the protocol and rewards system, making it easier for developers to build applications or services on top of these DeFi protocols on the Base blockchain.




Deployment Method

Indexed Network

Indexing Status


Published By

Subgraph ID
