Uniswap V3 Gorli
This subgraph indexes and queries data related to Uniswap Version 3 (Uniswap V3) on Goerli testnet.
Factory Data Source:
Represents the "Factory" contract of Uniswap V3 on Goerli.
Entities to be indexed include "Pool" and "Token."
Event handlers are defined for the "PoolCreated" event, which indicates the creation of new pools within Uniswap V3.
Data indexing starts from block number 4734394.
NonfungiblePositionManager Data Source:
Represents the "NonfungiblePositionManager" contract of Uniswap V3 on Goerli.
Entities to be indexed include "Pool" and "Token."
Event handlers are defined for various events such as "IncreaseLiquidity," "DecreaseLiquidity," "Collect," and "Transfer," which are related to pool operations.
Data indexing starts from block number 4734414.