This subgraph indexes and queries data related to the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) on Ethereum mainnet. ENS is a system that allows users to assign human-readable domain names to Ethereum addresses and resources.
Data Sources:
ENSRegistry Data Source (Current Registry):
This data source is responsible for indexing data related to the current ENS registry contract.
The entities to be indexed include "Domain," "Account," and "Resolver," indicating that it tracks domain-related data, accounts, and resolver information.
Event handlers are defined for various ENS-related events.
ENSRegistryOld Data Source (Legacy Registry):
Similar to the current registry data source, but it tracks data related to the legacy ENS registry contract.
Entities and event handlers are the same, but it has a different contract address and starting block number.
Resolver Data Source:
This data source is responsible for indexing data related to the ENS resolvers.
Entities include various events related to resolver changes, such as "AddrChanged," "NameChanged," etc.
BaseRegistrar Data Source:
Indexes data related to the ENS BaseRegistrar contract.
Entities include events like "Registration," "NameRegistered," "NameRenewed," and "NameTransferred."
EthRegistrarControllerOld Data Source:
This data source indexes data related to the legacy ENS registrar controller (EthRegistrarControllerOld).
Entities include "Registration," and event handlers are defined for "NameRegistered" and "NameRenewed" events.
EthRegistrarController Data Source:
Indexes data related to the ENS registrar controller (EthRegistrarController).
Entities include "Registration," and event handlers are defined for "NameRegistered" and "NameRenewed" events.
NameWrapper Data Source:
This data source indexes data related to the NameWrapper contract.
Entities include "NameWrapper," and event handlers are defined for various events.
The subgraph provides valuable information for applications and services that interact with ENS on Ethereum mainnet.