• Subgraph

This subgraph indexes and queries data related to the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) on Ethereum mainnet. ENS is a system that allows users to assign human-readable domain names to Ethereum addresses and resources.

Data Sources:

ENSRegistry Data Source (Current Registry):

  • This data source is responsible for indexing data related to the current ENS registry contract.

  • The entities to be indexed include "Domain," "Account," and "Resolver," indicating that it tracks domain-related data, accounts, and resolver information.

  • Event handlers are defined for various ENS-related events.

ENSRegistryOld Data Source (Legacy Registry):

  • Similar to the current registry data source, but it tracks data related to the legacy ENS registry contract.

  • Entities and event handlers are the same, but it has a different contract address and starting block number.

Resolver Data Source:

  • This data source is responsible for indexing data related to the ENS resolvers.

  • Entities include various events related to resolver changes, such as "AddrChanged," "NameChanged," etc.

BaseRegistrar Data Source:

  • Indexes data related to the ENS BaseRegistrar contract.

  • Entities include events like "Registration," "NameRegistered," "NameRenewed," and "NameTransferred."

EthRegistrarControllerOld Data Source:

  • This data source indexes data related to the legacy ENS registrar controller (EthRegistrarControllerOld).

  • Entities include "Registration," and event handlers are defined for "NameRegistered" and "NameRenewed" events.

EthRegistrarController Data Source:

  • Indexes data related to the ENS registrar controller (EthRegistrarController).

  • Entities include "Registration," and event handlers are defined for "NameRegistered" and "NameRenewed" events.

NameWrapper Data Source:

  • This data source indexes data related to the NameWrapper contract.

  • Entities include "NameWrapper," and event handlers are defined for various events.

The subgraph provides valuable information for applications and services that interact with ENS on Ethereum mainnet.




A secure & decentralized way to address resources on and off the blockchain using simple, human-readable names. Access domains and transfer history.


Deployment Method

Indexed Network

Indexing Status

Published By

Subgraph ID


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