
  • Topic
  • Voting issue


Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful or excessive substances or contaminants into the environment that may lead to adverse effects. This can manifest in various forms, including air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, noise pollution, and light pollution, among others. Pollution can influence the overall quality of life in communities, affecting outdoor activities, aesthetics, and mental well-being.

When assessing political candidates or policies, voters might assess stances on regulations aimed at limiting or controlling pollution from various industries and sources, initiatives geared toward monitoring pollution levels and ensuring public awareness, research and development of cleaner technologies and practices, approaches to addressing legacy pollution issues, such as contaminated sites or water bodies, and views on international cooperation to tackle cross-border pollution or global pollution challenges.




Voting issues concerning the introduction of harmful or excessive substances or contaminants into the environment that may lead to adverse effects.

Broader voting issues


Subvoting issues

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