National Intelligence

  • Topic
  • Voting issue


National intelligence refers to the activities and organizations dedicated to collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information related to threats to the national security. It encompasses multiple agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and others within the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC).

National intelligence plays a role in safeguarding the nation while also raising considerations about rights, transparency, and diplomacy. Voters may take into consideration positions and policies concerning the balance between intelligence activities and the protection of civil liberties, the extent and nature of oversight mechanisms for intelligence agencies, budgetary allocations for intelligence operations and infrastructure, strategies to ensure the adaptability of the intelligence community to evolving threats, and diplomatic implications of intelligence operations, including cooperation with international partners.


National Intelligence


Voting issues concerning the activities and organizations dedicated to collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information related to national security threats.

Broader voting issues
