Defense and National Security

  • Topic
  • Voting issue


Defense and national security encompass the measures, policies, and strategies that the country employs to safeguard its citizens, territory, and interests against external threats and internal challenges. This can involve the nation's military capabilities, intelligence operations, border security, cybersecurity infrastructure, alliances, and diplomatic efforts. The threat to national security can come from traditional military challenges to cyber warfare.

Voters may consider different policies and positions on defense spending, military engagement (e.g., support or opposition to particular wars or interventions), strategies to counter emerging threats, and views on international defense alliances. Defense strategies, such as counter-terrorism measures, surveillance programs, and other internal security protocols can have implications for individual rights and freedoms. Voters may therefore also weigh the balance between security and civil liberties.


Defense and National Security


Voting issues pertaining to the measures, policies, and strategies that the country employs to safeguard its citizens, territory, and interests against external threats and internal challenges.

Broader voting issues


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