Diabetes Sisters

  • Organization

How We Began

DiabetesSisters was founded in January 2008 by a woman who was diagnosed with diabetes as a teenager in the early 1990s. In addition to being faced with many obstacles, including social isolation, she was amazed how little information about or services for women with diabetes were available and how the issue seemed invisible within the women's health community. Her high-risk pregnancy further illuminated the limited number of resources available to women with diabetes during important life stages, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. All of her experiences culminated in the formation of DiabetesSisters in January 2008.

What We Do

DiabetesSisters offers a range of education and support services to help women of all ages with all types of diabetes live healthier, fuller lives. We understand the fear and isolation that often comes with living with diabetes because we are an organization that is managed by women who are living with diabetes.

DiabetesSisters recognizes that emotional and peer support is vitally important to a woman's overall wellbeing. Through DiabetesSisters opportunities for peer support and education, women form a special bond and can freely share information, helpful tips, and stories of hope.


Diabetes Sisters


Education. Support. Advocacy. We focus on everything tied to women and diabetes. Our mission is to improve their health and quality of life.

