The DiaTribe Foundation

  • Organization

Diabetes is a serious disease, posing one of the largest challenges to our nation: 1 in 7 American adults already have diabetes, and we spend $245 billion on diabetes healthcare every year. And that’s just in the United States – by 2040, more than 642 million adults in the world are projected to have diabetes.

To fight this growing crisis, The diaTribe Foundation was founded with a mission to improve the lives of people with diabetes and prediabetes and to advocate for action.

How does society address diabetes?

There is no one single answer to the diabetes epidemic. It results from a diverse and complex set of circumstances. Solutions can only come from the combined efforts, and collective impact, of many people.

We need a political and cultural shift in which reducing the burdens of diabetes, or eliminating the disease entirely, becomes a priority. We need industry, healthcare providers, the government, and non-profits working together to improve patient outcomes. We need to recognize the importance of the emotional as well as the physical aspects of this condition. We need to hear the voices of over 29 million people with diabetes coming together and saying, “We do not accept the status quo.”

Where do we come in?

We believe that one day, we will reach the point in which our country can no longer tolerate the terrible state of diabetes and feels compelled to take action. At The diaTribe Foundation, we want to help make that day happen sooner.

In the meantime, we’re committed to helping people with diabetes live happier, healthier, and more hopeful lives through our diaTribe publication, which now reaches over 3.5 million people each year. Led by renowned diabetes advocate Kelly Close, our writing team has deep insights into the patient experience and covers closely the latest research, treatments, and initiatives in diabetes.

We also aim to influence the national conversation, bringing the patient point of view to the FDA and to other policy makers, improving diabetes literacy in the media, and convening the world’s brightest minds to develop innovative solutions.

Our team is fiercely committed to improving the lives of people with diabetes. All of us are personally touched by this disease, and some of us have it ourselves. Our work is truly a labor of love, and so we invite you to join the diaTribe.


The DiaTribe Foundation


Advocate for CGM access by contacting your lawmaker and request that CGMs be made available to everyone on insulin. Act Now:

