Discoteca del Cantar Popular

  • Label

La Discoteca del Cantar Popular, Dicap, was a unique experience in Chilean musical history. Created by the Communist Youth in 1967 to release the album X Vietnam by Quilapayún, it ended up becoming the main recording medium for the New Chilean Song. With a more militant than commercial vocation, Dicap completed a record of almost seventy titles until its closure imposed by the Pinochet dictatorship in 1973. A large number of his masters were destroyed by the military, although part of the recordings of his artists, mostly banished for political reasons, was reissued starting in 1977 by the Alerce label, which fulfilled this task in the face of official censorship against that music.

La Discoteca del Cantar Popular published 6 of the 50 best Chilean albums of all time, according to the Chilean edition of Rolling Stone magazine of April 2008: Santa María de Iquique de Quilapayún, Pongo en tus manos abiertas… y La población de Víctor Jara, Autores chilenos de Inti-Illimani, Canciones reencontradas en París de Violeta Parra y Blops de Los Blops.


Discoteca del Cantar Popular


La Discoteca del Cantar Popular (DICAP) was a Chilean record label that emerged between 1967 and 1973. Founded by the Youth of the Communist Party of Chile to publish artists who could not find space on other record labels due their protest and anti-capitalist songs.



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